
It’s not easy celebrating a big day in the age of Covid, but we tried to make Little Miss ’s 2nd Bir

It’s not easy celebrating a big day in the age of Covid, but we tried to make Little Miss ’s 2nd Birthday as special as could be today! Charlie Raine, you astound me every day with how sweet, hilarious, curious, and strong you are. I hope I never, ever make you feel like you have to be one thing or another. My goal as your mama, which happens to be my favorite title in the whole , is just to allow and encourage you to unfold into the amazing individual that you are. Artist, accountant, bird-watcher, neurosurgeon, musician, acrobat… wherever life takes you - I only pray that you are filled with joy and love. Then I’ll know I have done my job.

In the meantime, I will handle rainbow , pigtails, unicorn balloons, and toy trucks. Deal?






#raisethemkind #raisethemstrong #rainboweverything #unicornsanctuary #charlieraine #mywholeworld #twoyearsyoung (at Elizaville, New York)

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