#ralph shortey





Freshman Oklahoma state senator Ralph Shortey recently introduced a bill that would ban “the sale or manufacture of food or products which contain aborted human fetuses.” After a collective brow-raise over such a bizarre proposal, Shortey told the Los Angeles Times he got the idea “while doing some research on the Internet.”

Do you see what legislators would do with their time if it weren’t for groups like ALEC?

You know, I graduated form high school in 2006 and in the fall I went to college. As a freshman in college, I was automatically enrolled in a class called “freshman seminar”. Most freshmen are enrolled in a class similar to this at some point, or their core classes cover the material.

In this class, we were basically taught how to use the library’s resources. So we were taught how to use a card catalogue, an online database like JSTOR, how to find a book, check one out, AND HOW TO IDENTIFY RELIABLE WEBSITES.

I think the entirety of elected officials would benefit from such a course or even just a 17-year-old intern named Jared having a sit-down with them about how to use the internet and social media. 



How to do research properly is something all elected officials should be required to know how to do. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen the line “I got the idea for this [asinine] bill while doing a little research online.” Why do I think the Girl Scouts are evil abortionists? Well, I did a little research online. Why do I think abstinence-only sex ed works? Oh, I did a little research online. Why do I think abortion causes breast cancer and there are aborted fetuses in food? Didn’t you hear? I did a little research online. Yeeeaah. More like you took a gander at Life Site News or got a “memo” from a concerned constituent [read: antichoice think tank]. Because I did actual research and in about five minutes I could prove with peer-reviewed sources that you’re full of shit. 
