#ramble bramble


I almost don’t want to say this because it’ll be putting it into the world but I had a thought

You know That Book we’ve been talking about?

I was thinking, if a book was written about a man who pretended to be a “cis” woman to get with a lesbian, and then in the process of his deception realized that he actually did identify as a woman and decided to start calling himself a trans woman, these people would be positively shitting themselves because of how wonderful a story it was.

Bonus points if the lesbian starts out being a “”“terf”“” and then once she dates this guy realizes that she actually can fall for a trans woman and be perfectly happy, curing her of her awful bigotry, they would die of happiness and tell everyone to read it, demand it be made into a movie, etc etc etc.

Or hell, he could not decide he’s a trans woman, they break up, but then come back to her later and she’s now got a trans woman “girlfriend”

Literally just switch pronouns and identities around and you’ve got a “”“progressive trans affirming”“” story.

Like, there might be some minor discourse about how he lied to her, but it all turned out ok so it’s all good!!!
