
Hi, all!

I think I mentioned this earlier but I won’t be able to update or be active on tumblr till about June because I’m going on a trip to a bunch of places, one for a wedding, one for a play, then Ireland! I’m sorry I won’t be able to but I will use my time to write more chapters for you all to enjoy. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful May!

My boyfriend found out about my writing and now he wants to read it… Oh dear…

Hopefully he doesn’t think I’m a total stalker weirdo by the end of it

Also I’m really late to this game but HOLY CHUCK, the past Supernatural episode though…

Eyes droop and heads nod away,

Slumber comes another day.

Hypnos doses opium dust,

The twin of death that we trust.

Lucid bodies and vivid dreams,

Reality bursts and melts at the seem.

Pleasure fueled bodies lay to crash,

Three sons split the messages to flash.

Thick, heavy, and consuming,

Sleep, sleep we are resuming.

one day until 4/13. good luck everyone.

wow, okay i know I’ve been gone for quite a while, i did not expect you all to pop up. if you don’t care about knowing anything about me you can just skip this, i don’t mind. sorry this isn’t art, i honestly haven’t had the motivation to draw anything in months, which suck bc thats pretty much all i do in my life. 

ANYWAY, i wanted to sort of introduce myself to you. you can call me Artaith. i don’t care what gender you decide to call me. its not that i don’t want you guys to know, its just i genuinely don’t care.

 I’m fairly new to all of this, and even more unexperienced with participating with the community. any community. ill make stuff and put it out there, but interact? hell no. so bear (bare? I’ve never been sure) with me, this will be a learning experience. anyway. i get sidetracked a lot. like i said, I’m Draflyncu, and i think the relevant things you need to know about me is that i am asexual and not interested in vore in that way. its fascinating, intriguing, perplexing, interesting, just over all really weird and really cool, honestly if i wasn’t a coward it would be so interesting to discuss this with my therapist. i am not going to be drawing anything that will imply anything sexual. ever. 

another thing, i am very morbid. death is a massive interest of mine, anatomy and means of death, (death by freezing on a mountain to be discovered years later is my favorite. everest is awesome.) blood and guts and bones and messing with it all, actually physically being able to touch and tear and… okay, ill stop now. cannibals are also extremely fascinating. and monsters, oh my gods. any kind of mythical creature from legends, folklore, religions, books, movies, i love them all. i like the man eating ones best of course. 

i think I’m going to have be my ‘holy shit they need to go back to the hospital, they’re gonna kill someone’ account. so, vore, eviceration, anatomy studies, blood, torture, the likes. ill tag stuff so you can block what you feel uncomfortable with.

what you really really need to understand is that i will not ever be okay with animal abuse. ever. unfortunately, i am much better at drawing animals than i am people, or at least its easier for me. so some of the stuff ill post will be not very nice pictures of animals. ill tag it so you can block them if that bothers you, but it will appear. personally, dead animals don’t bother me. i have quite a lot of animal remains in my room, and would take almost any chance i could to add to my collection, especially if i can be part of the skinning/gutting/cleaning process. but it has to be ethical. scraps that would otherwise be thrown away, death by natural causes, ethical hunting, necessary euthenzation, (i know, i can’t spell right), as long as the animal was not killed for selfish, wasteful, cruel reasons. 

humans on the other hand… meh. whatever.

I’m writing all this here because i have nowhere else i can that family or friends will not see, and i feel better writing it down and giving you guys fair warning. I’m not interested in vore for nice reasons. i could care less about safe, comfortable, survival, reassuring, friendly and protective vore. i mean, i still like the art, ill still read it, but thats not what I’m interested in creating. i like the pain, the fear, the graphic descriptions, the deconstruction, the monsters, the predatory drive, the death. 

don’t worry, I’m seeing a therapist. the local police and i wave to each other as they drive by. 

if you guys have any questions, feel free to ask. I’m a pretty open person, theres  not much i care about hiding about myself. if you want art, i do take commissions. i do pencil and watercolors. don’t get pissed of if i say no, ill only draw it if I’m comfortable with it (again, nothing sexual). the stuff I’ve posted are sketches, any commissioned art would have more effort and time given to them. 

i in no way intend for this to be so long, i apologize. in summary, I’m a depressed anxious wreck a little to interested in death. painful death. but I’m a nice person i swear. 

anyway, hello, this has been Draflyncu, and if you’ve gotten this far I’m surprised. most people quit after “dead things in their room”

all hail the mighty glow cloud 

There are 1000+ drawings in this folder… it includes stuff even I didnt save to my own pc.

I feel so loved…

It doesn’t really matter and I don’t want to start a discourse but I need to admit, overly familiar tags (of the “I’m kissing you on the mouth op” kind) and those that I don’t know if are positive or negative (like “I’m going to throw up” or “screaming and crying”) are making me very uncomfortable those are all examples of tags I’m seeing quite often on those of my artworks that do particularly well, and considering that these are rarely reblogged directly from me, I know that writing this has no meaning, but I wanted to put it out there

(On the other hand I don’t mind when people talk about their OCs when they reblog my art, I think that’s pretty cute)

Also speaking of unfinished drawings, I have so many that I started but there’s only so many hours in the day

Those were the closest to being finished but I sort of abandoned them while getting into other things lol…. (The first is jojos fanart, the second is Ogniem i Mieczem)

Then I started this series of jojos fanarts because I wanted to draw hands

I also once played with an idea of drawing a series of illustrations focused on an older lesbian couple (and I sketched those when homesickness hit me, I wanted the setting to look like a Polish village)

And long time ago I also thought of illustrating some of the more memorable scenes from Victor Hugo’s novels

And a lot of people on instagram are asking me for more Remisa from Death Note haha…

I’m really not sure what my focus should be, I’d appreciate second hand opinions

personal rambling, war-related but also a little bit sims-related

This morning, our air defense forces shot down yet another russian cruise missile in the area where I live. Just so you know that I’m not exaggerating when in my sims cc posts I ask you to donate to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and when I refer to them as “official sponsors of me staying alive.” This is just the simple truth. As I said before, I live in close proximity to several infrastructure facilities that russia loves to target. That’s why I’m so grateful to the Ukrainian defenders for helping me get through another day, alive and with a roof over my head.

About the sims content. I know I said that I have some WIPs and more cc to share with you. And I’m so sorry that I’m not able to do this right now :( I feel guilty for posting only about the war, but currently I can’t finish making any cc. Mostly because lately I’ve been slightly more depressed that usual, but on top of that I think maybe I got covid again. Second time in the last 7 months, and I still haven’t fully recovered from the last time. So that sucks.

Right now, all I can share with you is a cute picture of my rats and little less cute photos of our local turtles.

Also, a couple of days ago we witnessed something heartbreaking. We found a dead turtle, who died because she (it was a female) rolled onto her back and couldn’t roll back. Such a horrible and slow death. And judging by the size she was at least 10 years old, but could also be way older than me, who knows.

The world is a sad place.

Art doesn’t have to be perfect or even look good imo. Art is cool because it’s a form of expression, and as long as it’s fun or cathartic or personally meaningful or something, it’s awesome no matter what it looks like!! Just creating something is so awesome :)




I am having a rough time between exams coming up and my body suddenly deciding to hate me lmao so I’ll probably be pretty quiet until after my exam next week and whenever I get over my random health problems

ahhh my mom just tested positive for covid so things got even more fun around here I still live with my parents btw and now my 5yo brother is stuck home as well because of this so I’ll have to deal with that too hhh

best of luck and consider a vitamin C supplement

Thanks, I have been!! I’ve been taking many things lol. Hopefully it all sorts out soon enough


I am having a rough time between exams coming up and my body suddenly deciding to hate me lmao so I’ll probably be pretty quiet until after my exam next week and whenever I get over my random health problems

ahhh my mom just tested positive for covid so things got even more fun around here I still live with my parents btw and now my 5yo brother is stuck home as well because of this so I’ll have to deal with that too hhh

I am having a rough time between exams coming up and my body suddenly deciding to hate me lmao so I’ll probably be pretty quiet until after my exam next week and whenever I get over my random health problems


I set up the tip thing for this blog because I just think it would be funny if someone saw my silly doodles and decided to throw a couple bucks at me like I’m a street performer


I set up the tip thing for this blog because I just think it would be funny if someone saw my silly doodles and decided to throw a couple bucks at me like I’m a street performer



I don’t know any TWEWY fans that I can bounce ideas for furry designs off of ;;

Here’s my current list (beware of spoilers for both games)

Keep reading

Updated list ✌️

(once again be aware there are spoilers)

I got TWEWY Final Remix recently and I am immersed once again. I keep getting caught up in grinding and evolving pins instead of progressing the plot lol

I don’t think a single person has ever been mean, judgmental, or weird about me drawing characters as furries when I draw fanart and that’s so nice. I was real anxious about that at first (and still am a bit) but I’ve gotten such positive feedback ;; It’s nice to draw fanart in the way that’s most enjoyable for me and to see other people enjoying it too

cas-fulleditmode: thefoxandhersimblr:shysimblr: i feeel this deeply  Big MoodHits too hard. To r




i feeel this deeply 

Big Mood

Hits too hard. To real, my dudes.

i just logged in to see shit going down XD

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