#ramuda x reader


Okay. I’m in a strong mood at this current moment and can find either zero to little content of Ramuda (HYPMIC). So congratulations! The first smut (I guess) on this account is gonna be dedicated to my baby! Why the hell not? I mean… It’s not really? I just wanna… Make a heated make-out sesh…

I also have the strong urge to just change up my account aesthetic as I’ve noticed I keep using the color pink. Eh. Pink account for a pink boy. I love Ramuda so much. I can’t explain the euphoria that this man gives me.

Also, cause little to no talking happens during the deed, it’s mostly just me describing the moment.

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Character: Ramuda Amemura

Franchise: Hypnosis Mic

Oneshot type: Slight Smut

Reader: Female!Reader (Writing Y/n instead of s/o. Also wearing a skirt)

Nicknames: “Onee-san” is a nickname Ramuda has given all women he meets. It’s not you two being related.

Warnings: Touching (Mainly on the thighs), heated make-out session, mentions of having sex, mentions of alcohol, grinding, cussing (Obviously), Ramuda’s dark side coming out slightly.

While I recommend that minors to not interact, I can’t really do much other than block.

All characters are 20+.

The smut is just under the cut. <33

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Moans and groans echoed the room as two figures made out on the couch. With the back of the woman pressed up against his chest, Ramuda pulled away. A string of saliva connected their tounges before snapping in the middle.

Just a moment ago, the two were having a small celebration to themselves. Something good had happened and so the two pulled out a bottle of champagne. That good thing was that (Y/n) had just been promoted as a model to work with more well known companies.

While it may not seem like big news, this was huge to them. Because she had just been promoted to work as a model wearing Ramuda’s clothing line. And to them, being able to see each other more is massive.

One glass turned into two. Two glasses turned into four. Four glasses turned into the two sucking at each other’s faces.

Make-out sessions were not rare in the house. In fact, it was quite common. They’d do it whenever they’d get their alone time. But finally, it feels like it’s going escalate into something much more than kissing. And even then, it wouldn’t be their first time.

Ramuda being a part-time rapper and still working in the fashion industry, and (Y/n) working as a model in all aspects of fashion, meant that the two very rarely got that type of alone time. But this was their time. Nobody couldn’t interrupt it now.

“That’s it, Onee-san… Keep going- Oh… Shit… ” The man groaned as his head flew back. Her ass was currently pressed up against the now growing bulge and she proceeded to move slightly. His hands were on her hips, guiding her in the directions he wanted her to go.

Slowly, those palms trailed down to her thighs and gripped them, causing her to yelp in pleasure. Her eyes rolled back as his lips pressed against her neck and and began sucking on her skin.

When he finally managed to peal himself off of her, she had a purple mark. “There. Now everybody knows that you’re mine.” He grabbed her face and slammed his lips back on to hers as the two kept going at it.

His hands kept getting closer and closer to her area, causing her to whine. But still, they wouldn’t touch her. They would only go into her inner thighs, only to grab at her flesh and pull at it. Scratch marks littered her legs from Ramuda’s teasing behavior.

The two pulled away again, except this time, it was (Y/n) who made the first move. They caught the air again as she spoke up. “Ramuda- fuck… I can’t… I need you…” They were both absolutely drunk out of their minds. More (Y/n) than Ramuda.

Their hair was all messy and blush was dusted on both their cheeks. He grabbed her hip again before pulling her closer. He whispered into her ear, feeling her shutter beneath him from the warmth of his breath.

“Come on… The fun’s only just begun..” That voice. That deep sexy voice of his. Only when he’s actually relaxed does he let out this side of him, and by far was it the hottest thing she had ever heard. It gave her tingles whenever he spoke in his normal voice.

He bit at her lower lip before pushing his tounge back down her throat. She could taste the flavor of Strawberries from the lollipop he had earlier and liquor that had from their celebration. She gave an audible squeak when she felt his hand go under her skirt.

“Then again… I’m hungry for you as well…” Ramuda bit at her shoulder, his pink hair pressing up against her cheek. Slowly she bagn to undress of her shirt. She was about to pull her arm through the sleeve when something grabbed her hand. “Let’s keep clothes on, Onee-san!”

She felt slightly bummed out, thinking he was going to just end it there. That was until she felt something underneath her suddenly go… Missing. She turned to look at him and saw her panties in his hand and him licking his lips with a smirk on his face. “These do come off though…”

The pinkette pushed her forward slightly and she felt him unbuckle his belt. His hand went to his fly as he leaned in to whisper into her ear again.

“You’re not the only one who has been craving for this moment, (Y/n).”

That’s when she heard the sound of the zipper and saw his pants falling to the ground. It was going to be one long night to make up for all the time they’ve missed out on.

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