#random headcanon


Sooo I’m anxious rn and i came up with this ️i am SORRY if this is ooc my mind hasn’t been thinking about ane in a while ‍♀️ also i haven’t slept so bear with me

ImagineRin noticing that you’re anxious. Whether it’s because of your work, school or just because it happened randomly. He’d look at you worriedly, before leaning down to your level, where you were sitting down on a chair, only to wrap his arms around your neck and nuzzle his face into it. He’d mutter silently, “What’s wrong? You seem stressed out. How about a cup of tea or coffee, and then we can cuddle and watch something? Or just sit in silence to clear your mind..?” He smiles gently to himself when he feels you nod, tightening his hold on you and giving your neck a tiny kiss before leaving the room.

Now,Yukio, my one and only, would notice it immediately. Even first signs of anxiety, where it’s just a small spark of it, he will know something’s up. He’d eye you closely from time to time, observing if it gets better or worse. Much to his dismay, the latter happened, so he decided to step in. He’d immediately bring you your favorite drink, close whatever you were working on, and give your forehead a kiss. “I know you want it done as soon as possible, but overworking isn’t gonna help you either, and,” you tried to cut him off by saying that everything’s okay, but he continued, “AND, we’ll have a break now. Whether it’s work or not, you need to take your mind off of this.” His expression softened, making him cup your cheek and softly move his thumb up and down in a caring manner. “Please? One break? And then you’re free to do anything.” He knew he won once you leaned into his touch.

Vanna headcanon:

After her exile from Shinra, Vanna takes up freelance spy work for a client.

You ever think about Justice having “EW” experiences in a living host? Just imagine a sweet evening

You ever think about Justice having “EW” experiences in a living host? 

Just imagine a sweet evening with Hawke, maybe they’re washing the dishes, Justice is in controle right now and suddendly our spirit buddy touches wet food and just straight up draws back so Anders is left with the sensation? xD

Or something falls on his toe while he is walking around in the estate- and he just starts burning stuff because how tf could a toe hurt that much when he experienced way greater pain before?

I can imagine him eating something and recognizing to late that its expired too late aswell- Justice just starting to gag wanting to vomit right then and there :’D Or maybe finding a hair in his food that definitely isn’t his- 

And every time he just draws back as quickly as possible so Anders has to deal with it? xD

Idk the thought just makes me happy and I kinda wanted to share it ‘:D

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Like father like son

Maybe Gaster used to own the hotdog stand, taught sans how to cook hotdogs, and now he sells them as tribute to the doctor uvu
