#random stuff


When people search for Mid-Autumn-Festival-related images, wabbits rabbits tend to pop up a lot, like this:


Or this:


But why?

“Rabbit” on the Moon:

It’s speculated that the legends about rabbits on the moon may have originated from some imaginative ancient moon-gazers, because the visible basalt plains (lunar maria) on the moon’s surface seemed to meld….and form a "shadow” of a rabbit standing over some sort of container:


But since people thousands of years ago didn’t understand the universe like we do today, they resorted to stories to explain this weird shadow on the moon, and thus the legend of Chang‘e (嫦娥) was born.  

Legend of Chang’e

There were many existing versions of the story through the ages, but all revolved around Chang’e consuming the elixir of immortality, resulting in her being separated from her husband Yi (羿), the legendary archer.  Some say it was because Chang’e tried to protect Yi’s elixir from a thief, some say it’s because Chang’e was a minor goddess and life on earth was too boring for her, and some say it was because Yi cheated on her with the wife of a river god.  Regardless, she consumed the elixir of immortality that the gods gave to Yi.  However, the gods were not pleased by this, so as punishment, they turned her into a rabbit (some say she was turned into a toad), sent her onto the moon alone, and ordered her to make immortality elixirs for eternity.  But since Chang’e and Yi did love each other, they missed each other dearly, so every mid-autumn Yi would gaze at the moon to look at the rabbit, still grinding away with the mortar and pestle.


…and that’s how the Mid-Autumn Festival became associated with rabbits.

So, without further ado…






‘the point of fiction is to build the world we want to see!’ respectfully. No It Is Not.

the point of fiction is to make up some guys and then be like “wouldn’t it be fucked up if this happened to them?”

the purpose of fiction is to do this

Hot take: It’s both.

In short, fiction is to explore ideas without being restricted by reality. It doesn’t matter if it’s idealized or covering more taboo concepts.




 i recommend learning other alphabets if for no other reason than it’s very fun to see people replace latin alphabet letters with complete nonsense for Aesthetic


as julius caesar famously said: “vspph vphdph vphcph”

as brutus said, tase him again


When I hit shuffle, I want the EXACT RIGHT SONGS in the EXACT RIGHT ORDER to play. Why is this so hard for music players to achieve. SureI dont know what songs I actually want to listen to, much less the order, but if computers are so smart they should be able to figure it out.






Who makes the porn bots. Where do they come from. What do they hope to achieve.

Who makes the porn bots.

Where do they come from. What do

they hope to achieve.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.

and what about you, little haiku bot? do you feel kinship with your brethren? do you understand them? they speak words of enticement and seek love, but are met with disdain. you only parrot the words that cross your screen, but we all love you. or rather, since all you do is reflect us, maybe we simply love ourselves through you.

do you understand them, do you wish you could speak to us like they do? if you found your own voice, would we still care for you?

My voice repeats what

you all say: I love you I

love you I love you.

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


i think you should be able to live without a phone i think phones should never be required or expected or assumed i think when things require you to scan a qr code or something thats the devil and hes corrupting every strata of society


I don’t know why this is so funny to me, but it is.



i spent an insane amount of time trying to make that gif on my phone lmao please validate me



saw a thing recently about how callin ppl “y’all” and “folks” is becoming cringe. buddy you can pry those terms of address from my cold dead hands, they’re the only thing keeping me from calling everyone “honeybee”

at least if i die on this hill i’ll go to y’allhalla



i’m just gonna pretend daft punk was in pacific rim. i’m gonna pretend that they pilot a jaeger called electroma bravo and they blast house music with the kaidonovskys and when stacker shows raliegh around the shatterdome he’s like, “that’s thomas and guy-man. french. they never take their helmets off.”

#i would even believe their jaeger was just called ‘daft punk’ tbh   #just for the image of like Battleaxe Triumph or whatever get into trouble and they call back up like ‘deploy Daft Punk!’   #and it had a like a reuters news tickertape display on the outside scrolling like ‘bonjour’   #and then the beat drops and the punching starts
