

i love posts that are just normal working class people displaying a skill or giving advice and then ten people on it are like MINDBLOWING! whoEVER said BLUE COLLAR WORKERS were DUMB and STUPID and GOOD FOR NOTHING better eat their HAT! this is GENIUS!!!! like none of you can be normal…?

imagining a guy who really likes cemetry gates by the smiths but not because he’s gay, he just loves antisemitism

i love to see the moon like literally the moooooon first time i saw your face moonlight burst into the room and i saw your eyes and i saw your smile and the world opened wide and the world was inside of me and i catch my breath and i laugh and blush and i hear guitars you are so good for me i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

i am so in my whiny baby era. whää whää etc
