


I redesigned Raspberry Smoothie because her OG design looked weird asf to me

Posted this to the wrong account oooof

BEHOLD! The younger siblings of two twin fanchildren!


The one on the left is Raspberry Smoothie Cookie, youngest child of Milk Cookie and Raspberry Cookie.

She / Her


Chaotic Good

Human Name : Samantha Rafferty

Relatives:Raspberry Cookie (Mother), Milk Cookie (Father), Raspberry Cream Cookie (Older Brother), Raspberry Milk Cookie (Older Sister/Brother), Rose Cookie (Aunt-In-Law), Raspberry Mousse Cookie (Uncle), Roseberry (Cousin)

Raspberry Smoothie Cookie is a girl who wants to explore the world and prove that she’s as strong as her brothers.

Raspberry Smoothie always gets into mischief and danger, but she doesn’t care as long as she has her “sword” and her “shield” (she made those herself)


The one on the right is Opera Cookie, youngest child of Madeleine Cookie and Espresso Cookie.

He / Him


Lawful Good

Human Name : Opera (Oliver) Lighthouse

Relatives : Madeleine Cookie, (Father), Espresso Cookie (Father), Cortado Cookie (Older Brother), Canelé Cookie (Older Brother), Creampuff Cookie (Aunt), Latte Cookie (Aunt), Almond Cookie (Uncle-In-Law), Cappuccino Cookie (Cousin), Hazelnut Cookie (Cousin), Affogato (Grandpa), Ristretto (Dead Grandma)

Opera Cookie is a boy who loves to read and right. Opera is Raspberry Smoothie’s best friend who usually gets dragged into adventures by her.

Opera Cookie is antisocial and can only talk to a few people (his brothers, his fathers, his friend). He usually likes to look at his book to avoid conversation.

Looks like Raspberry Cream Cookie can have an aggressive side as well……

Context: Raspberry Cream and Raspberry Milk were playing in the forest. Raspberry Milk was attacked and mauled by a cakehound. Raspberry Cream got the cakehound off of him, grabbed a rock, and……… well…… the image speaks for itself…….

I redesigned Raspberry Smoothie because her OG design looked weird asf to me



ANOTHER EDIT YALLL. This time with Raspberry Cream over his mother

Edit time, but him

Okay I really like editing now

Oooooh you fruity little cookies

Fly me to the moon so we can dump Cheeto dust on it

Anyway, I decided to do that SeaMoon OTP trend. But instead of just edited their heads on to Sea Fairy and Moonlight. I decided to make it a bit different by changing their appearance to make it more SeaMoon like while also looking a little RaspMilk.

Day 16 / 18 - T4T + Pansexual

What if I skipped some of the days just to post some RaspMilk propaganda haha jk unless

A MilkRasp I drew on my insta
