

Writing The Alien: (A RavenCon 2022 Panel)

While some panels are good because of what they say, some are great because of the inspiration they give you. This? Was a great panel.

Here are their 6 alien #writingtips, a couple of things NOT to do, book suggestions, and the 6 notes I took for me.

In April of 2022, I finally made it to what had originally been on my schedule as Ravencon 2020.

While some panels are good because of what they say, some are great because of the inspiration they give you. This? This was a great panel.

The description for the titular panel was as follows:

The challenge of writing an intelligence unlike our own lies at the heart of much of our best science…

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Pacing the Novel (A RavenCon 2022 panel)

Here are 8 tips from the pros on pacing your novel. Are there any tips you use that they missed?

#ravencon #writingTips #pacing

The titular panel at RavenCon 2022 consisted of the following panelists: Terry Brooks, DB Bray as moderator, Patrick Dugan, Wayland Smith, and John Hartness.

The description was: How do you intensify a scene, bringing the reader deep into the narrative, and still keep the novel moving? With three basic types of text (exposition, dialog, description) you can suspend time or send the story…

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A busy weekend for me!

What Are Panelists?

Conventions have speakers. Fan-run conventions typically have a small number of guests of honor whose ways are paid, and a larger collection of panelists. Some conventions make panelists pay full membership fees, some give a discount, and some let you attend for free in exchange for being on a certain number of panels.

While guests of honor and special guests are always…

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