#ray smith



Professor Smith

Part 1|Part 2

A/N: Here’s Part 2 of the college AU fic in which you’re Professor Ray Smith’s favorite student! Sex is no longer off-limits now that you’ve finally graduated… but for the thrill of it, you can pretend you haven’t yet and that you’re still the teacher’s pet

Pairing: Raymond Smith x Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, dom!Ray, punishment, professor/student roleplay(just roleplay; you’re no longer really his student)
Request: Request from @flaireandsynch for #7 on my list of Dirty Little Secret prompts
Bingo Square Filled: College AU

… Continued from Part 1 [Read Here]

“May 28, then. It’s a date?”

“Damn straight.”

Now after weeks that felt like centuries of waiting… you have finally reached the date of graduation. Since your flirty exchange with your favorite professor you’ve been lost in memories of that conversation. In your ears it’s constantly replayed. Counting the days until May 28. It’s a date? Damn straight. 

Damn motherfucking straight. Those were the words that sealed your slutty schoolgirl fate.

So here you are in an insanely slutty schoolgirl outfit standing right outside his office. Through the closed door you can sense his presence waiting for you just as he had promised.

You’rethis close to having everything you’ve ever fucking wanted.

Yes, everything. Not even a little bit exaggerating. From the day you first laid eyes on Raymond Smith his status was cemented as your savage sex god king. Finally getting at his cock to hopefully fuck it and suck on it… feels like a bigger deal today than graduating college to be honest.

You bite your bottom lip and give the door a soft knock, knowing it’s unlocked. This was the arrangement—for you to meet him at this time and place upon conclusion of commencement. 

“Professor?” you murmur, anxiously pushing the door forward. Wetter than ever. The fact is established that you have permission to enter.

Andso does he, much more importantly.

From across the room Ray turns toward you where he’s seated at his desk. Adjusts his specs. The sight of you is giving him thoughts that no gentleman should ever think. The look on his face—lust-blown gaze, the tip of his tongue flickering between his parted lips. The faintest tremble in his fingertips. Blink. Blink. The OCD alignment of his life has fallen slightly out of sync.

He gathers himself just as quickly as he’d shattered. Just one of the millions of skills that he’s mastered.

You really can’t wait to get schooled by this gloriously gorgeous bastard.

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Overcome That Little Challenge

A/N: Here’s a fic about you wanting Ray to play bossy and rough in the bedroom… but he’s a careful dom. Insists on setting a safeword, to ensure you won’t get hurt. Cue filthy smut + fluffy fluff! Also per a special request from @flaireandsynch this fic includes descriptions (and plenty of gifs!) of that cardigan of honey mustard ✨ Happy birthday love!! 

Pairing: Raymond Smith x Reader
Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, dom!Ray, rough sex, edging till it hurts, use of safeword
Requests: Thisanon request + a separate anon request + a separate special birthday request



Whenever you address your man that way, he knows exactly what you’re gearing up to say. It’s not a game he’s keen to play.

He’s just come home from work this evening, and you’ve got a cup of tea in hand for him all hot and steaming. Much like the rough and raunchy sex of which your inner slut has been constantly dreaming. She is filthy slutty thirsty. “I just wanted you to know that I’m excited for my birthdayyyyy…”

“As you should be,” he responds, calm as could be, ignoring what your inner slut desperately wants. Typical Raymond. He accepts the offered cup before he even stops to take his tailored coat off. “Thank you, love.”

“You’re most welcome,” you elegantly tell him. Not so elegant or subtle with the shit that you say next. Ray’s well aware that you’ve been craving dom/sub sex, from the first moment that you met him. “On my birthday I sure hope you’ve planned some special ways to thank me in the bedroom…”

Brings the clean pristine white cup up to his lips, taking a sip. “Well, if by ‘special’ you mean dominantandrough… I’m certain I’ve made my conditions clear enough.”

“But I don’t want any conditions!” you protest, childishly crossing your arms over your chest. “I want absolute submission. If I set some stupid safeword that implies that I don’t trust you putting me in that position.”

“No, Y/N, that’s not the import of a safeword. And if you refuse to see that I have no way to ensure you won’t get hurt.”

You roll your eyes like that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever fucking heard. The truth is that you know he’s right, but in some strange sense it’s become a point of pride. With Raymond Smith you never like to lose a fight.

“The rules are simple if you’d love a rough dominant fuck,” Ray states in his signature style of softcore savage. “I’m confident that coming up with just one word is something you can manage. Once we’ve overcome that little challenge… then we can talk.”

You bite your bottom lip and pause. Well, when he puts it that way… losing this small battle would be more than worth the cost, you have to say. He takes another sip of tea and you decide right then and there that you’d do anything to have your chance at rough, dominant Ray.

“Feel free to talk. Just say the word and on your birthday… I will happily destroy you with my cock.”


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