#raya and the last dragon incorrect


Raya:*advances on Namaari*Say that again and I’ll hit you so hard—

Namaari:*squares her up*Yeah? Go ahead dep la, I’d like to see you try!

Raya:*cracks knuckles*You’re asking for it binturi!

Namaari:*stares at her*What?? No I wasn’t.. I would never—


Raya:It’s a figure of speech.


Raya:*rolls her eyes* I didn’t mean you were actually asking for it.

Namaari:*has turned very red at this point*……

Raya:*blinks*Were you asking for it..?


Raya: admit it, you love me

Namaari: i would literally sell you for mouldy chicken

Raya: you came into my room last night, fixed my blanket and kissed my forehead

Namaari: y-you weren’t asleep?

Namaari : *answers phone* who is this?

Raya : it’s Raya

Namaari : what did she do this time?

Raya : no, it’s me, Raya. It’s actually me

Namaari : what did you do this time?

Namaari : are you trying to seduce me?

Raya : why, are you seducible?

Sisu : just be yourself, say something nice

Raya : which one? i can’t do both

Sisu : what’s your biggest fear?

Raya : being betrayed by someone you trust

Sisu : damn, that’s deep

Sisu : mine is getting hungry all day and i feel kinda stupid about it now

Raya : I’m sorry for all the stuff I said

Namaari : and for kicking me in the face when we were younger?

Raya : no, you definitely deserve that. You kicked my baby TukTuk

Namaari : come over

Raya : I can’t, my car only has three wheels

Namaari : what, do you have a tricycle?

Raya : you were supposed to say “but my mother isn’t home”

Namaari : I was distracted by your tricycle

Raya : okay, start over

Namaari : come over

Raya : I can’t, my car only has three wheels

Namaari : what colour is your tricycle

Raya : fuck you

Raya : this is a bad idea

Sisu : really? i didn’t notice

Namaari : how long are we gonna stand here and let her do that?

Raya : just give her a minute

Sisu : *pushing a door which says pull*

Namaari : are you really looking for Sisu? What are you, 12 ??

Raya : yeah, on a scale from 1 to 10.

Sisu, in human form: Namaari just gave me two jeds

Raya : why did you give her two jeds?

Namaari : I thought she was homeless

Sisu : would you rather kiss Namaari or-

Raya : kiss Namaari

Sisu : I didn’t say the other-

Raya : I don’t need to hear it
