
A digital illustration of six bugsnax stacked on top of each other. From bottom to top, a red strabby, a black razzby, a small red strabby in a glass ball, a red razzby, a white razzby, and a cheery. They are creatures resembling bugs made of food with large googly eyes. The strabby resemble strawberries and ladybugs, the razzby resemble raspberries and ladybugs, and cheery resembles a cherry and a mite.ALT
A digital illustration of two bugsnax, a bunger and a BBQ bunger. They are creatures resembling beetles made out of burgers with curly fries as horns and legs. The BBQ bunger is jumping in the air with hearts around it. The bunger is facing away from the viewer, looking back behind it.ALT

Talkin’ bout Bugsnax
