#rbg we’re really in it now




I love headlines like I’m sure the situation was more nuanced than this but this is just a funny situation to imagine it’s like a real life political cartoon

The worst part is that it’s even LESS nuanced than the headline makes it seem. I assumed that she felt threatened by the people with chalk, but no.

someone wrote “susie please, Mainers want WHPA -> vote yes, clean up your mess” (WHPA=women’s health protection act)

And Susan Collins got home, saw it, called the police because of the “defacement of public property”, police came and noted it wasn’t a threat, and public works washed it away.

I hope all GOP / Pro-Live representatives are ready to get a good hard taste of their own medicine. This is NOTHING compared to what the people walking into Planned Parenthood have to face. This is NOTHING compared to what abortion healthcare providers go through. March in their streets. Stand outside their houses. People who lack respect and compassion deserve none in return. Can’t wait for these fucks to enjoy a fraction of what they and their base has been dishing out for the past 30 years. May they reap what they sowed and die hated.
