#rc on thin ice


Why is RC tempting me with Leon’s romance when I’m supposed to be with Hodge?

Like, Leon couldn’twave more red flags if he tried BUT dark romances are always intriguing, I hate it


He looks so much scarier without the mask omg

They reek of evil

This is like a meeting between villains but only one of them matters and isn’t a threat

This is the only appropriate way to greet someone

Oh no, it’s the-

“I’m too soft for you but I know it’s better if I stay away” bad boy

Mmmmm delicious

Him saying this before the intimate scene with Hodge>>>>>>

I hate that I like this evil creature, he’s too entertaining

And I hate even more that I can agree with him arghhhh

Me: Hodge is the best, I only want him

Also me:
