#re headcanons


What it says on the tin.

TLDR Meals were a communal bonding session throughout Leon’s entire formation years and he never really kicked the habit. To put it not so nicely, he pavloved headfirst into that one lol.

Rest of it under the cut:

After his biological family was killed in a crime, he went to a good foster home where mealtimes were family times. And he was fairly popular in school so he always had friends to take lunch with. Even after he moved out to pursue his career in the police force, he was either eating with his academy buddies or with his girlfriend. It’s just an ingrained habit at that point. 

After becoming an agent, it’s always an offer he extends out to people around him being the friendly guy he is. But somewhere along the way, someone who probably watched one too many Bond movies saw it as him being an incorrigible flirt rather than an act of reaching out to build relationships with his people and that opinion unfortunately caught on with the rest of the agents.

By the time Vendetta rolls around, Leon’s more than used to having conditions attached to his relationships or outright being rejected even though I’m sure it still stings as hell. Of being seen as a good agent valued for his skills and experience but not necessarily a friend, hell, even an acquaintance to have a meal with without some underlying motivation. 

And Chris and Rebecca certainly don’t help with the way they come in and immediately jump to work talk even when it’s clear it’s too early for him to be that deep in the bottle by Chris’s own words. He doesn’t even even try at this point, he knows they’re there for work and work only. 

So he plays defensively, tries to wave it off as a joke because he expects Chris to not accept the offer to grab a meal together. He’d rather be the class clown than hear Chris make another flippant remark towards his attempts to connect emotionally with people he considered his friends. 

Fortunately for Leon (less so for his ego), Backfire!Chris is a competent Captain who sleeps with his team, offers to guard them while they have to do no. 2 in the wild, and most importantly, he eats meals on and off ops with his team too. It just about makes up for his inability to read the room when it comes to Leon.
