#re jill


I think i get carried away way too easily


I’ve sunken into RE series lately and came up with another “someone survives” AU because why not

B.S.A.A. Nemesis?? Why not??


Chriss & N being ass, Jill being sass

You know, Nemesis is that type of guy on work that is being slightly arrogant, a bit sassy and gives no damn but is still kept because he’s the best at his job

Because when it comes to actual job, not picking up survivors and shooting a lone zombie or two, but real dangerous deal, oh boy, you know what i mean

But in other time he’s generally Bart Simpson who’s heavily been on meth and steroids

That smart C student

Him knowing ASL is my life

And, you know, having a B. O. W. to see and understand how they work and live and stuff is good, ye know

Though i have plenty of thoughts on how this all came to be at all. I mean, there’s no way it could be an easy thing keeping in mind all the circumstances, you know

Hopefully I’ll have a chance to share
