
Amastacia - The MagicianCoat will be sold this weeked (28, 29 Feb 2015)Amastacia - The MagicianCoat will be sold this weeked (28, 29 Feb 2015)

Amastacia - The Magician

Coat will be sold this weeked (28, 29 Feb 2015)

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Very late to update this, but: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42131098945&spm=a310v.4.88.1 IVery late to update this, but: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42131098945&spm=a310v.4.88.1 IVery late to update this, but: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=42131098945&spm=a310v.4.88.1 I

Very late to update this, but:


Ista Mori - Nameless Poem OP re-release

Please check back later for translated images! Actually I goof'ed up, the reservations ended last month (oops)

They did mention that the dresses will be shipped around December *if everything goes smoothly*

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