#real not perfect


So, if you follow any of my other social media, you will have noticed I recently admitted to being an alcoholic and I’m on day 15 of my sober journey 2.0. My rebirthday is 10.26.21 – I started about a month ago, but had a slip 15 days in and basically ruined my life. I lost someone who was the most important person I had ever been lucky enough to know my entire life and this time I will never fail again. If there is even a microscopic chance I can get that person back, I will be here sober, healthy, clear-headed and full of all the right kind of love.

Anyway… today I made the huge decision to do something radically different.

A Big Reveal -

You might think you know someone based off their social media or online presence, but the truth is you know absolutely nothing. You know what they want you to know and many are not honest or real about themselves even in person. Not because they are dishonest or ingenuine, but it’s difficult to be real in a world that pushes fake and “perfection”. Perfection is subjective. It doesn’t exist in nature, we try to create an “idea” of perfection which is different for everyone. Your idea of perfect is like a fingerprint – no two identical in the world.

Aside from the fact that perfection is subjective, many don’t even know themselves fully. I know I don’t know myself 100%, especially when I’m possessed by that demon known as alcohol. I am an honest person to a fault sometimes, but I can’t even be honest with myself when I’m under the influence of something that actually changes people into demons and tries to ruin your life.

You all know me from what you see online. You only know what I choose to share and post and of course I’m going to try to post the best version of myself and yes, the best version of myself includes the alcoholic struggling to get sober.

The fact remains that there is a very large part of me you don’t know because I have chosen not to show you.

That ends today.

I will be slowly revealing myself as time goes on in order to remain true to myself and to honor myself and my sobriety.

This will not be an easy thing for me to do, but it’s honest and it’s needed. Before you think I am slowly revealing in order to keep you hooked or as some kind of marketing stunt, just imagine trying to reveal all of your truths at once while also trying to stay sober or sane. It’s impossible. It would seem like purging all your truths at once would be healing, but in fact, it can actually be quite detrimental because then what’s left? We have to keep parts of ourselves hidden. Not as a lie to those around us, but as a comfort to us.

I will also only be sharing it here at my OnlyFans. This is my one stop shop for my fans and it’s also just easier to only focus on one site for this particular endeavor. I am a one woman show and have a lot going on so anytime I can streamline things, I do!

I hope you all enjoy learning about me. This is something that I have been struggling with for years. I need to be healthy and this will be a big part of my health.

The first post will be coming soon. Here are a couple pics of me at eighteen, as that is where I plan to start with the story of how Diane Andrews became Diane Andrews.

Love and respect.

(P.S. I have SO MUCH fun content to share with you!)
