#real⇔fake 2nd stage


REAL⇔FAKE 2nd Stage Episode 1 Summary


Image source:  REAL⇔FAKE 2nd Stage Official Website

Matsumura Ryuunosuke as Umehara Reijirou
Ino Hiroki as Uno Kouki
Wada Masanari as Sena Masayuki
Someya Toshiyuki as Moriya Hidetoshi
Aramaki Yoshihiko as Makino Nagisa
Ueda Keisuke as Ikuta Yuusuke
Aoi Shouta as Akane
Sato Ryuji as Suzuki Kakeru
Sasamori Hiroki as Inamori Mizuki

Summary under the cut. I may have gotten some things wrong, we’ll find out when MiaMaw releases their subs ^^;;

Prologue:In a room somewhere, Nagisa is on the floor, with his hands, arms, and feet tightly bound. Someone approaches him.

OP: RUMOR by Stellar CROWNS with Akane

Setting: Stellar CROWNS [SC] house

-cute banter between the bois

-Reijirou turns on the TV and tells them to quiet down. It’s some kind of PR event featuring Akane. Everyone gathered around and watched.

-Akane announces that he is taking over as president of Queen Records [QR].

-SC are to take a break from activities due to Rin studying abroad

-He also introduces QR’s new unit “ASTRA RING” [AR] (members: Uno Kouki, Inamori Mizuki) who are to be Strellar CROWNS’s rival. Furthermore, in commemoration for their debut, AR would have a joint concert with SC

-=Rings by ASTRA RING=- (this song is kinda boppin)

-All SC members are surprised by this final announcement more so Yuusuke and Nagisa (btw since when did Kakeru call Nagisa ‘Nagi-chan’??? that’s so cute wth)

-Nagisa tells them that Uno, Inamori, Yuusuke, and himself were once in the group Fyrklöver (referenced in Season 1)

Setting:ASTRA RING photoshoot, a few days later(?)
(presumably a studio inside QR building)

-Kakeru, Yuusuke, and Masayuki enters the studio to confront Akane about the joint live event

-He just tells them that he plans on making ASTRA RING top artists. Masayuki asks “What about Stellar CROWNS?” but Akane doesn’t answer and leaves. Kakeru runs out to follow him.

-Tension rises among the remaining four (Kouki, Mizuki, Masa, Yuusuke) but mainly because of Kouki attacking Yuusuke.

-Someone enters the room to dissipate the argument before it got physical. It’s Fyrklöver’s former producer, Kamishiro-san. He says that Akane hired him to be ASTRA RING’s manager.

-Masayuki asks about what happened with Fyrklöver but Yuusuke says he’s not ready to talk about it. Masa leaves it at that and they returned to their own studio for an interview.

-Kakeru catches up with Akane but even after pressing him, Akane still won’t explain anything. He leaves, and Kakeru follows him again.

-=outside QR building=-

-It looks like Kakeru lost Akane. Then, two men approached him identifying themselves as police. They told him that he is under suspicion of drug use.

-=back to the studio with Masa and Yuusuke and the interviewers, who are all waiting for Kakeru=-

-An article broke out on the internet accusing Masayuki of abuse of power towards his juniors in his high school soccer club, allegedly beating them up and making them do unfair punishments.

-Masayuki is put on the spot while the interviewer badgers him with questions, when a bigger news broke out. Cut to the scene of the media crowding around the police car where Kakeru is being forced into

Akane scene

Setting: two days later, SC house, dining area

Kakeru tested negative in the drug test but was still held in police custody for one day (yesterday) after punching a policeman

Nagisa proposed to have a public apology to reassure their fans but Masa rejected it since he didn’t do anything wrong. He said he never punched his juniors, pointedly throwing a glance at Kakeru.

That wasn’t lost on Kakeru and soon they were out of their chairs and at each other’s throats while Reijirou calmed them down.

Just then, Nagisa read something on his phone and turned on the TV, where Yuusuke’s 'dark past’ is being revealed. He allegedly brought alcohol to school and smoked on campus which led to his suspension and grade repitition. This made him a famous delinquent in his hometown.

Kakeru turned off the TV and they discussed why this happening and who was behind this. Masayuki started doubting Akane and Kakeru immediately rejected the idea. The two of them started arguing again but Yuusuke shut them up and told Nagisa to follow him outside.

-=outside the house, Nagisa and Yuusuke=-

Seems like the two of them think that Astra Ring’s debut and the sudden spread of false rumors have a connection.

Yuusuke said it can’t be helped if the two (Kouki and Mizuki) have a grudge against him since he quit in the middle of their prep for Fyrklover’s first live event.

Flashback:Yuusuke apologizes to Kouki and Mizuki for quitting the group and everyone is sad and upset.(he quit because of his poor health)

Nagisa wondered how much Akane knew. He said it’s not that he’s doubting Akane, but he only wanted to make sure.

Masayuki is shown nearby, probably heard some of their convo

Masayuki was about to head out when he sees Kakeru. Kakeru still firmly believes that Akane has nothing to do with any of this. Masa says he doesn’t want to doubt Akane too, so he’s going to look into it himself. Then he tells Kakeru to look after Yuusuke since they were former classmates

Moriya’s office

He’s looking at some documents when Masayuki enters. He hurriedly puts them away in an envelope.

Masayuki asks for Moriya’s help in investigating the false rumors. Moriya reminds him that he’s a freelance director, not a detective. To this, Masayuki tells him he knows that Moriya helped Akane in filing the lawsuit

Then he grabs the envelope from Moriya’s hands and takes out the documents. His suspicions were right, it was information regarding Nagisa (and Fyrklovers?). Moriya takes it back away from him.

Masayuki presses him but Moriya denies every accusation. Finally he says, “I can’t tell you anything right now” and asks Masayuki to leave.

QR Building, night

Nagisa visits Akane’s office but the room is dark and Akane is nowhere to be seen. On the table, he sees a document inside an envelope labeled “Investigation Report”. He just started reading through it when someone ??? him from behind (I have no idea what happened there, it’s like someone grabbed his neck and he fainted)

somewhere inside QR building?

Akane is on the phone with Moriya. Seems like he reported what happened earlier with Masayuki. Akane doesn’t seem bothered as long as Moriya didn’t tell Masayuki anything.

Nagisa wakes up and realizes he’s on the floor with his hands and feet are bound. He struggles to free himself while calling out for help. Akane approached him and just stood there. He asks Akane to free him. Akane shook his head. Akane’s phone rings, and tells Nagisa to behave himself while he’s gone. As he turns to leave he says, “No matter how loud you scream, no one will hear you.”

End of Episode 1
