#rebelde imagine

  • Name: Lucinda Hernandez
  • Nickname(s): Lu
  • Age: 17
  • Occupation: Student

Lucinda attends a school with an elite music program to study business. She befriends MJ who, after overhearing her sing, makes it her mission to get her onto the music program. The problem? Lu doesn’t believe in herself. Maybe all she needs is a group of friends to stand by her.

drummer girl // a.a

pairing: andi agosti x reader


summary: andi has a crush on you. to impress you she learns your favorite song

gif not mine

Andi watched the video again before putting her phone. This time she was confident she could perform the piece without messing up. The piece itself was more complex than anything Andi has done before but after seeing you watch some video on Instagram and said it was cool, Andi made it her mission to learn it.

You were walking pass the practice rooms when you heard a crash. You popped your head around the corner and saw Andi with her head in her hands. “Hey.” You greeted softly, making Andi jump. “Is everything okay in here?”

“I- yeah everything is great.” Andi scoffed, trying to play it cool around you. “Just trying to figure out this piece out.”

“Anything I can help with?” You asked, your smile kind. You didn’t know how much of an affect your smile had on Andi.

“I’m good. Thank you though.” She said, hiding her phone screen but not before you glanced at it.

“Wait, are you trying to learn that piece because I said it’s cool?” Andi was thrown off, not knowing how to respond to that without seeming lame. After a moment of silence, you spoke up. “Well, I think your version is way better.”

“Really?” You nodded, gently smiling at her when the bell rang signalling dinner was over.

“Maybe you could teach me how to play the drums some time?” You suggested, walking backwards towards the door.

“Y-yeah definitely.” Andi said, grinning to herself.

tag list: @mayaslifeinabox@princess-of-the-fandoms@les-bio-lie@imt1109@seninjakitey@dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt

now accepting requests for rebelde
