#reblog from male modification


“Why. Why are you doing this?” I asked in desperation as my dad overpowered me with his brute strength.

“Simple. Your dad is starting to resist me. How am I supposed to enjoy myself if he is starting to take back control of his body? I think you’ll be a fine next host.” He said lustfully as he looked directly into my eyes.

What the hell happened to my dad? We used to be so close, but the past few weeks, he has been acting incredibly out of character, and now this! I mean leather jackets and late nights are one thing; I thought he was just going through a midlife crisis. But no. He is a fucking lunatic. I wish I  knew what was wrong.

“Alrighty son, are you ready? I reckon this won’t be that fun for you, but I am sure we will have a blast when I am in control of that jock body.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

“Goddamn, you really are stupid aren’t you?” He said condescendingly. “I’m not your dad. The name’s Rob. I found your old man a couple weeks ago getting drunk at the bar and I slipped inside. Don’t hold anything against him; It’s not his fault.”

I just stared at my dad in confusion. He was obviously sick or something.

“Dad, I think you need psychiatric help.” I said in denial. “You aren’t acting like yourself. We can talk to mom, I am sure she would-”

“Oh will you shut up!” He snapped. “I’m not your dad! I died 6 years ago! Don’t you get it? I’m a fucking ghost inhabiting your dad’s body. If you aren’t going to listen, then just sit there. Make my life easier.”

He grabbed my chin and pulled me close. For a second, I thought we were going to make out, but instead he just held me there. All of a sudden, a bluish-white ‘fog’ began to pour out of his open mouth. Before I could do anything, it quickly traveled into mine.

Immediately, I could feel the chilly substance travel down my throat and fill into all of the corners in my body. It was disturbing, yet also erotic at the same time. The substance continued to fill me up until I felt myself beginning to lose consciousness. As the last bits of the fog made its way out of my dad’s mouth, his body went limp and we both fell to the floor.

Drifting in and out, I could see my body hoisting itself up off the ground. I stood and began to explore my own body, but I wasn’t in control. I tried to move my arms and legs, but to no avail. Something was wrong.

“Oooh. Thanks again bro.” Rob said aloud in my own voice while putting on the leather jacket my dad was wearing. “Don’t you worry, your pops will wake up eventually and won’t remember a thing. And I’m sure you will take back your own body here in a couple weeks. In the meantime, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.”

“Oh, I could get used to this…” I moaned in a cute boyish voice as my boyfriend and I continued to make out and explore each other’s bodies.

“Yeah, you said it.” He mumbled as I groped his perky ass. “You think we need to get out of these bodies yet? They might start fighting back soon.”

I opened my eyes and adjusted to seeing my ghostly boyfriend in such an attractive, young guy. His short dark hair and adolescent features completely hid the fact that he was in fact a middle-aged dead man possessing a college boy. He both gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled. For the first time in a long time, we were both so incredibly happy. And I didn’t want it to ever end.

“Gavin, I love you so much.” I whispered as I tenderly stroked his cheek.

“I love you too Mike. With all my heart.” He replied back as he pulled me in for another kiss. “But, we have to prepare for… you know…”

I internally sighed. He was right though. Being forced out of our hosts was never fun. Besides, we weren’t without hearts. We stole these bodies and having two straight boys wake up next to each other in bed would probably scar them for the rest of their lives.

“I know, I know. You’re right. We have to give these guys their bodies back…” I said shyly.

“Hey, babe. It’s alright. We have the rest of eternity to love each other, remember?” He said optimistically as he lifted up my chin. “We’ve been in these two for almost a week now. Let’s not push our luck.”

I reluctantly agreed and we prepared to exit our hosts. Damn, I am going to miss these two.
