



*puts on sunglasses, looks up at the moon* “The Little Mermaid, huh? I remember her.” *whips off sunglasses and looks directly into the camera* “Be a shame if someone made it super gay.” 

The Little Mermaid and the Sea Witch

“I love you,” Ariel says without looking up from the seaweed she’s weaving into a basket. “I’d die for you.”

Ursula’s heart stops. She stares into her crystal ball blankly, long nails scraping against the surface unpleasantly. This isn’t what she expected from her day. 

You can’t, she wants to say.

You’re not for someone like me, she wants to confess.

Your father will kill you for this, she wants to warn.

Oh thank god, she wants to sob.

Ursula is alive because she thinks twice before she speaks at all. She stares into the murky depths of her future andthinks.

Ursula is the sea witch. She’s been cursed before, so many times before, and she knows she’s not fortunate enough to turn away the blessings that fall into her lap (might not be strong enough to even try). Ariel is a blessing, the greatest blessing that has ever found its way into her cave, into her home, into her arms. Ariel is the best part of the tides, the ones that roll in during summer, warm and welcoming even into the dark part of the ocean Ursula has been forced to call her home. If Ursula is smart, she’ll do anything to keep Ariel right here, so close that Ursula can reach out and touch her if she wants.


Ariel is beautiful and curious and smart. She’s enthusiastic and empathetic and has the most beautiful singing voice that Ursula’s ever heard. Ursula’s a sea witch, cursed to her fate by Triton when she was too young to fight back. She thinks that Ariel doesn’t deserve the same fate.

“Are you sure?” Ursula asks at last. 

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#rebloged    #yehudah    




I liked this post, scrolled for like another minute before I went “SHIT FUCK SHIT” and scrolled back to reblog it

I always reblog this one when I see it on my dash. When someone posts their own art, writing, or music here they are really hoping you will share it.


vine legends just randomly popping up on tiktok gets me every time


shout out to the guy helping me at the sports equipment store who was like “yeah these come in pink or blue or black but they’re all transgender- I mean they’re all unisex.”


This is gonna be a controversial take, but I just had to unfollow two queer fandom folk whom I’ve otherwise never felt the need to challenge over it, so:

Good Omens, the book, was not originally written as a queer love story.

Good Omens, in any adaptation–including but not limited to the TV show is not obligated to be a queer love story, either.

Neil Gaiman is not being a bad ally by being vague about the potential (or lack of potential) for a queer love story in Good Omens, the product he wrote with a friend in 1990 or any adaptions of said media because Good Omens is a comedy with biblical themes about the thwarting of the end of the world. Whether or not a queer romance (by your personal definition of what is queer enough) can be derived from that is, honestly?, not Neil Gaiman’s responsibility. No creator owes you the story you want exactly how you want it. They couldn’t even do that if they tried, in fact.

By playing this “wait and see” card re: Good Omens S2, Gaiman isn’t trying to trick you (re: queerbaiting). He’s trying not to spill the beans on a property that is still in production – a pretty normal thing to do in this age of rampant parasocialism and concerns re: the impact of spoilers on the consumer experience.

If you motherfuckers want blatant queer romances with kissing/sex or whatever else you feel you need to check the “yep this is canon” box you’ve built, then there is other media out there and other creators you can bully discuss their content with, hopefully with WAY more basic human decency than you’ve exhibited about Good Omens at its co-creator previously.

The knowledge you would all be just as shitty to Prachett if he were alive is equally disheartening.

Stop being Like That. If you aren’t having fun here, go the fuck home.


GIRL you are KILLING IT! GIRL i don’t think it’s MOVING ANYMORE. GIRL you can STOP BITING


Tumblr mobile telling me I have a “weird connection” like yeah no shit sherlock your website’s given me pretty much the weirdest fucking connections humanity has to offer







to anyone who missed it:

blorbo - a favourite character

glup shitto - star wars names are fucking nonesense

eeby deeby - youre going to hell

plinko horse - a horse that was stuck in a plinko board

scrimblo bimblo - super smash bro fans can be very angry when characters aren’t in a game

Me, so I can view the original meme:


People keep tagging this as educational and I don’t know what to do or think about that.

Glossary of Terms

I don’t know if I should be amused or distressed by the realization that someday this post will probably be useful to linguists.


