


Reblog from Takeover Tales

I spent the weekend with my dad’s who had grown a lot since I last saw him. Isn’t he the one who is supposed to tell me that? His body mass was much larger and now he looked like he could kick my ass while sitting. It didn’t bother me, I kind of liked it. You see, my parents got a divorce after my dad started acting a little strange and that was about three years go. I hadn’t seen him since. It’s almost as if he appeared out of nowhere after disappearing out of my life.

My mother dropped me off outside, failing to build up enough courage from the drive to come in and at least say hello. I didn’t blame her, she had been through a lot and I wasn’t going to give her any more shit than she deserved. That was very little. I stood outside with my bag hung over my shoulder and my book bag leaning against my leg. I pulled the strap over my body and walked right up to the door. Without hesitation, the door opened and I was greeted by a bear of a man. This was my father.

“Dad?” I asked, he looked nothing like he used to but I could still see it in his face. I think it was the nose because it was the same as mine.

“Yeah. I would hope so. Look at you! Man do we have some catching up.” He grabbed my bags and then placed them on the sofa. Beyond the foyer we passed an office with an executives desk placed in the center and an apple computer’s apple light glowing in the dark. I could make out various office items such as books leaning against each other underneath a lamp and a cup filled with mechanical pencils, each one with a brand new eraser. To the right there was the door that lead to the garage. As we moved along we reached a hallways leading to the guest bedroom which belonged to me for the weekend and the guest bathroom at the end which was beach themed with bowls of shells on shelves and sand dollar soaps. We reached the kitchen and living room combo after the hallway and the roof grew immensely, a giant fan centering the ceiling. The marble counter tops reflected the light from the center of the fan and there were pots and pans filled with the meal for the evening. In the living are, two sofas faced each other with a table in the center, a vase with orange flowers was a nice addition. On the wall was an abstract orange painting with streaks of paint thrown across the canvas. The dining room matched the dark wood of the kitchen cabinets and down the center was a fabric accent with orange stripes and on top of it was a bowl or oranges. Behind the table was the view of the backyard with its green grass and carefully placed lawn chairs. The master bedroom wasn’t for my eyes.

“It smells great!” I let the aroma of the spinach and cheese pasta fill my nose as he pulled it off. The Asiago cheese was gooey as he set the table and the sound of water pouring into my glass made me smile.

“So, how have you been. I know that the last time I saw you we weren’t really on good terms.” He took a sip of water before placing a piece of ravioli in his mouth, a single strand of cheese stretching from plate to lips.

“Well, you weren’t on good terms with mom but I’ve been busy. I got into Yale and I will be going this fall.” I sipped to the accomplishments.

“Yale? Wow. When I was al…well, I’m proud of you.” He smiled. It was still odd seeing his face work since it was a bit rounder. His skin moved differently.

“I’m also gay.” I tried to avoid eye contact as I put a ravioli in my mouth. If he yelled at me it would give me something to do while I listened. In fact, I would have just chewed it and ignored his torment.

“Interesting.” He smiled.

“Yeah.” I gulped down the cheese and looked at him. He wasn’t going to yell or maybe I had spoken too soon?

“You aren’t going to be treated differently.” He said. I found out that weekend was that what he really meant was: “I’m not going to beat you or scream like other dads but that doesn’t mean I won’t do other things.”

I was in bed when I heard the whispers. We had just finished watching a movie together and as the credits rolled past I yawned, cuing us to sleep. I followed the whispers past the kitchen with its spacious cooking area and the dining room with its orange accents and to the crack in the master bedroom door. There was a perfect view of the bed which had my father sprawled out on top of it. His cock was erect and flowing out from it was a white cloud, coming together just above his body. My dad’s back was arched as this white mist flew out of him and then he fell back onto the comforter as it started to turn into what looked like a human being. Then the guess was confirmed, floating above my father was the ghostly form of a burly man.

“Man, I can’t wait to screw your son. I Just have to figure out how to let him let me.” He was talking to himself as he floated around the room. My father snored on the bed and rolled to get comfortable. “Oh no you don’t.” He shoved himself back into my father’s erect cock, causing him to arch his back once more. His hands wrapped themselves up in the blankets as he grabbed them, moaning and writhing as this spirit took his body. He took control quickly, I could tell from the way he looked at his hands. “Man, you’re one hot fucking catch. Three years of shaping you to be the perfect host and now you fit like a glove.” He patted his stomach and then rolled over. I waited quietly trying to listen to him and then I heard his snoring and took that as a reason to leave.

The following morning I received a text in my phone, the vibrations on the wood causing me to wake up. I groggily looked at the photo and it was my father. He was only wearing underwear and had his arm above his head. He was posing for me. For a second I almost passed off the previous night as a dream but the moment I saw the picture I knew that he wasn’t my dad. He quickly came into my room to apologize for that and made up this story about how it was supposed to go to someone he had been dating or whatever but I saw right through that bullshit.

“You can stop acting. I know it’s not you in there.”


“I know you’re a ghost or something.” I could see his cock pressing against the inside of his pajama pants and then I felt my own beginning to grow.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You can pretend all you want but I saw you last night. Not you my dad but the you that can float in and out of his body. ‘Like a glove’ is what you said, I think.” I was desperately trying to hide my boner from him.

“Aha. You sneaky bastard. I knew I liked you the moment I saw you.” He sat down on the bed and I moved over to make room.

“So, what do you want?” I asked.

“I’ve gotten everything I wanted. I’m living again and your dad is the perfect body. You think so too.” He reached over and touched the tenting blanket. I tried to pull away but he grabbed it and I cringed. It felt good.


“You like it. If you didn’t you wouldn’t have popped one the moment you saw me.”

“I don’t think that’s how that works.”

“C’mon, son. You want it.” He had started crawling over me, his heavy body causing the bed to have an even bigger indention. I could feel the heat of his own cock and he pushed himself against me, his bulge rubbing against my own. He repeated this and then lowered his face to mine, kissing me passionately. I didn’t refuse and instead of pushing him away I reached up and pulled him in. He ripped off the blanket and pulled off everything that I was wearing, almost ripping it because of his strength. It was easy for my to push off his bottoms with my leg and I felt his massive meat land just above my own. I chuckled as he smiled and then he forcibly flipped me over. I used the pillow to muffle my screams as he plowed me with his rod, slamming me into the headboard as he penetrated my hole. He rhythimcally fucked me in the guest bedroom and he grabbed my hair like he was riding me like an animal. I grabbed at the pillow pressing it harder and harder, biting into the cotton to keep me from screaming. It felt amazing as he rammed me with his cock and out of the combination of happiness and pain, a tear dropped onto the pillow case.

“Oh fuck YES!” I screamed finally. I couldn’t hold it any longer.

“Your hole is so tight it feels fucking amazing.” He grunted and I tightened just to milk it out of him. I moaned as I started to push myself away from the headboard to keep myself from hitting it and I could feel his pulsating cock being to blow. He filled me up with his sweet fluid and let out a roar as he came. The thrusts slowed down and eventually he pulled out. I rolled over and curled up into him, his hairy body laid out before me. I circled his nipple with my finger and he used his arm to bring me in for a kiss. We laid there blissfully and I almost wanted to smoke a cigarette like most people do in the movies but instead, I kissed him this time.

“You can keep my dad. I wasn’t a big fan of him before anyways. I was too scared to come out of the closet and he were in control he probably would have kicked my ass.”

“If it makes you feel any better he would have. I could feel it.” He tapped his forehead.

“It does make me feel better.” I curled back up into him and I didn’t want this weekend to end.

Well, it did. Yale was coming up and I wasn’t going to be seeing my dad as often so I was going to have to fill up the rest of the summer with him. My mom didn’t mind and my dad definitelydidn’t mind.
