

Reblog from vchris1989

“Ya ready to go huntin’?” Devin hollered out as he walked up to me, making my jaws drop to the ground.

“Come on, you have to get out of my big brother!  He’s lived in New York for the last 7 years, so he doesn’t have a drop of country left in him,” I said to my former mentor and neighbor, Mr. Jameson.  He was a burly and friendly old man who had been a lifelong country boy with a passion for hunting and wilderness survival.  It was thanks to him that I earned my eagle scout badge, and after that he promised me he’d take me on his next trip and teach me more advanced techniques.  But he died of a heart attack before we ever made it out.

“Well that’s too bad ‘cuz I ain’t leavin’!  ‘Sides, he enjoys it with me in here.  Started at the beginin’ of summer, takin’ him an  hour a night, building up from there ‘til it was like a drug fer him.  Here, I’ll show ya,” he said as he put the gun down on the ground and stood back up.

I watched my brother’s body tremble briefly before confusedly looking at his own hands, looking nervous and frantic as he yelled out, “Noooooo Get back in me!  I need the rush, you son of a bitch!”  This time Devin was talking with the New York Accent he’d picked up during his time in the city.  He looked like a heroin addict in withdrawal as he frantically looked around the backyard, finally eyeing me and rushing up to me, grabbing me by the collar of the shirt and yelling in my face.

“Are you in my little brother now?!  Get the fuck out of him!!  I need a fucking hit, man!  My body is better anyway!  Just come on and- unnnngggggggg Oh fuck yeah that’s the stuff!” my brother groaned as I assumed Mr. Jameson’s spirit started entering through his back.  Devin’s body trembled again, he squirmed in place, letting me go as he began feeling all along his cut body, looking like he was finally getting his fix as his legs wobbled and it looked like he might fall over.  But before he lost balance, he stood straight up again, eyes fully dilated before they refoused, this time with Mr. Jameson in control.

“See, he’s having a mighty good time.  Now let’s us both get dressed and then we’ll get goin’.  I already packed our bags and put ‘em in the truck.”

I paused for a second, confused.

“But Devin drives a hybrid Infiniti sedan…”

“Doesn’t drive that pussy of a car no more- not since I traded it in fer a GMC Sierra truck, something respectable fer a man to drive,” he said with a prideful smile.

I watched in shock and inner conflict as he jogged back into the house.  On one end, this was brother we were talking about.  Then again, he’d become a pretentious asshole since he moved to New York.  Still, family is family…but Mr. Jameson was more family to me than Devin ever was.  I hardly ever saw Devin except for the obligatory awkward Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner, but Mr. Jameson taught me scout techniques for years and was going to teach me all of his most advanced wilderness survival and hunting techniques.  The decision wasn’t that hard when I realized that deep down I had always wanted a big brother that would take me hunting and teach me this stuff.  With Mr. Jameson in Devin’s body, that wish had come true!

Reblog from vchris1989

Gary Sanders was a feared and respected businessman in town, ruthless and uncaring of the well-being of others.  That was made abundantly clear as he cursed at his phone will he tromped through the park on the way to work.

“I don’t give a fuck what the supplier said, Donna!  Tell that cocksucker that if he doesn’t deliver by Tuesday, we’re suing his ass! [Click!]” Gary growled as he hung up the phone.  “Incompetent pieces of sh-SHHIIIIITTTTTTTT!!! nnnggggggggggg wh-wh-what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuUUUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!” Gary roared as he felt a pressure on his back that paralyzed him while he felt his body being flooded by a strange energy.  His back arched violently while he was  still standing before his hands rested on his knees while the businessman calmed down.  To most people it might have looked like a seizure or a muscle cramp, but Gary’s eyes briefly glowed with an ominous green glow before settling back to their usual tone.

Smiling and giggling like a kid, Gary shot up, bouncing with juvenile excitement and joy as the harsh businessman ran and jumped through the park.  Not caring what people thought, Gary ran up to some pull-up bars, deciding, “These are close enough to monkey bars I guess!.”

He laughed and beamed as he hopped and reached up, but once he grabbed a hold of the bar he realized that his shirt was too-tight fitting on his body to be able to do a pull-up.  Gary excitedly pulled his shirt off before marveling at his sculpted and hairy physique.

“Whoooooaaaaa!!!  Look at all that muscle!  And that hair!  That’s more hair than Dad had!” Gary said with amazement as he ran his hands up and down that rippling physique.  “Being a grown up rocks!” Gary yelled out as he hopped and grabbed the pull-up bar, laughing and smiling as he effortlessly pumped out pull-up after pull-up after pull-up.

Then Gary saw a mysterious lady make eye contact with him and frantically scurry up to him.

“Mr. Sanders!  I’m Donna, we talked on the phone.  The supplier wanted me to tell you that they’ll be able to make the Tuesday deadline, and you…are you working out right now, Mr. Sanders?” Donna asked with confusion.

“Call me Adam!  And I’m just going to have fun today!” Gary said with childish glee.  “You can have the day off too!”

“Ummm…Thank you, Mr- I mean…Adam…” Donna said as she walked off in a state of shock.

Meanwhile Gary was still banging away those pull-ups, rippling and starting to work up a sweat as he smiled and greeted all those who passed by him.  Adam was a boy who had died in the park just a few weeks ago at the age of ten years old.  It had been a freak-heart condition, and the boy’s spirit had been scared and alone until Gary’s tirade caught his attention and he tried to knock the man over to make him be nicer to people on the phone.  He ended up getting sucked inside the ruthless businessman instead, giving him an even better way to make the man be nice!  Plus, he gets to be a grownup!


“Raj!  You have to get out of there!  Omar is your fucking uncle!  And my brother for crying out loud!  How can you just steal his body like this?!  His life?!  I know what you’ve been doing with his body!  I can hear the groans and moans echoing throughout the house!  And you’re bringing over a different guy every night!  Omar was going to propose to his girlfriend before you made him a slut for guys!  You may be hiding in his body, but I’m still your father!  Now get out of there!”

Omar, inhabited and fully possessed by his own nephew, stopped admiring his rippling and muscular reflection long enough to turn to “his” brother.

“I really don’t know what to say, Sal, older brother.  But I’ll tell you one thing.  You’re wrong.  You’re not my father when I’m inside this body.  No, you’re just my older brother.  You can’t make me do anything.  You can only give me brotherly advice.  And if your brotherly advice is to stop possessing this body then you’re out of your mind.  You better get used to calling me Omar because that’s the name I plan to keep for the rest of my new life.  Are we done here?  Because I’ve got a hot stud coming over later to drill my tight hole.  Yeah, I guess brother talk might include more about cock and ass from now on.”


Reblog from vchris1989

“Everything alright, boys?  Heard some commotion,” Mr. Grant asked with concern as he peeked his head into his youngest son, Ian’s, room.  Ian was in bed finishing up some homework and it looked like his older brother, Warren, was lounging on a beanbag and playing video games.

“Yeah, Dad.  Everything’s cool.  Just finishing up some work,” Ian assured him.

“And I’m hanging around in case he has any questions,” Warren added.

“But I heard a noise.  Sounded like someone fell or was in pain,” Mr. Grant said with concern.

“Oh that.  Just got my ass kicked in Halo 5.  Walked right into a head shot.  Guess I was a little loud,” Warren explained, putting his father’s worries at rest.

“Okay sounds good you two.  Ian, try not to study too hard.  Your older brother could teach you a thing or two about having a good time.  G’night boys,” Mr. Grant said, beaming inside from the pride he had in his boys.

“Goodnight, Dad!” the two sons echoed back as he closed the door and went back to his room downstairs.

When the coast was clear the two brothers made brief eye contact before Warren hopped on the bed, immediately pulling his little brother into a passionate kiss and embrace.

“You heard the old man.  I could teach you a thing or two about having a good time,” Warren said with a cute grin.

“That was fucking close, man,” Ian said as his older brother began kissing his way down his neck.

“I mean talk about perfect timi- ohhhhh shit man!” Ian gasped out as his older brother stuck his head up his shirt and began ravenously licking and sucking on his nipple.  Ian pulled his shirt up to give his big bro better access.

“Careful ‘Baby Bro.’  i don’t think the old man’s gonna believe the Halo excuse if he hears your moans echoing through the house.  Especially not if he walks in on me pounding your ass full of cum,” Warren said with a smirk.

“I’ll try my best to keep it down, but no guarantees,” Ian replied, biting his lip in a cute and somewhat nervous way.

“Something tells me we’ll be alright, little man,” Warren reassured his little brother as they both stripped their shirts off, followed by every other shred of clothing.  “The old man isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed,” he said, making them both chuckle before Warren laid down on his little brother, bringing their lean and toned bodies together as they began ravenously making out and grinding against each other.

Both brothers began breathing harder as they picked up the intensity and starting grinding their engorged cocks together.

“Wow look at that.  Guess I shouldn’t call you Little man,  That cock’s almost as big as mine!” Warren said in admiration before crawling back and grabbing his little brother’s fuckstick in one of his hands.  “Looks fucking delicious,” he joked before leaning in and gently licking Ian’s cockhead.

“mmmmmmmm oh wow!” Ian groaned lightly as his big bro licked his cock head again, and again until finally he took the whole thing in his mouth and began swirling his tongue around the younger boy’s cockhead like a car doing laps at Nascar.

Ian kicked his legs out, toes curled from the sensation as his lean core tightened and he bit his lip to keep from hollering out.

Warren let his little brother’s cock out of his mouth when he tasted a drop of precum hit his tongue.

It wasn’t long before Warren had eaten out his little brother’s tight, virgin hole before slowly working his cock in, marveling at the almost supernatural tightness.  They started slow and tender at first, but a solid half hour later Warren was power thrusting into Ian.  His little brother was on his back with his thighs spread wide and his legs wrapped tight around his ass, pulling him closer with each thrust.  Ian was biting down on a sock to help him keep his volume down as he moaned endlessly as his big brother kept fucking him full of long, thick dick.

Warren felt himself getting close, so he reached down and pulled the sock out of his brother’s mouth.  “You think you can handle this?” he asked.

“nnnnngggggggggg Fuck yeah!  Fucking fill my ass.  I can take it!” Ian begged as he squirmed underneath his brother, overwhelmed by the satisfaction of being stuffed so tight and full each time his brother’s cock slid deep into him.

Warren growled gently as he picked up his pace, something that made Ian gasp for breath and go slack-jawed.  Then the moment arrived and there was no turning back.  Warren slammed into his little brother, groaning and squirming as the shots of cum began rocketing deep into Ian.  “Oh fuck yeah fucking take it!” he roared as quietly as possible as he thrust and thrust, over and over again, fucking his cum deeper and deeper into his little brother.  Ian was a good slut–each time he felt a new shot of cum surging into him he got an erotic chill, and he was sincerely caught off guard as he felt an unmistakable tightness building up in his balls.

“Oh shit!  I-I’m gonna cum!” Ian gasped out as his back arched and he began trembling.

“Yeah you love Big Bro’s cock, dontchya?” Warren said with an exasperated smile as he kept pile-driving his brother, a sweaty mess of testosterone as he honed in on Ian’s prostate, finding the spot that made the boy yelp like a bitch in heat.  He kept thrusting into that spot over and over, long after he had finished launching his own loads of cum.  Warren was on a mission to make his little brother cum from nothing more than his love of getting stuffed full of dick.  Warren finally got his way as his younger brother clenched every muscle in his body.  Ian’s reaction was to reach for his cock, but Warren grabbed both of his arms and pinned them down, still thrusting into that boycunt with primal power.  He was delighted as he watched his little brother squirm and desperately fight back against his bound arms, but only because he knew how much better this would be for Ian.

“It’s gonna be so much hotter this way!  I promise!” Warren insisted right before he saw Ian’s pupils dilate.

Ian arched his back one last time as he opened his mouth to shout, but no sound came out.  The boy thrashed around wildly as his brother kept stuffing him full of cock while his own untouched cock began launching his cum in every direction as he squirmed in place.  Ian’s thrashing body meant his cum launched not just all over his body and his older brother’s body, but all over his bed sheets, left and right.  His juices sunk in, embedding in the fabric and giving the room the odor of raging sex.  Warren finally stopped thrusting into Ian as the boy’s cock stopped twitching, finally giving them both a chance to calm down.  Warren collapsed forward onto his younger brother, splashing the pools of cum that were all over their bodies.  He was still inside his little brother, but his cock was quickly returning to its relaxed size.  Still, he left it buried as a sign of dominance and because he knew it made Ian more comfortable.

The brothers kissed tenderly as they rubbed their bodies together until Warren finally pulled out, laying next to his little brother (something which got his back wet with cum.)

“You sure made a mess,” Warren teased.

“Shit I know right?  Had no idea this boy had it in him,” Ian said with amazement as he oddly pointed himself out in the third person.

“Holy fuck he looks so good on you.  Mmmmmm yeah you make such a good slutty younger brother,” Warren said with a chuckle.

“Are you kidding me?  Knowing it’s you in there got me so fucking hot and hard.  You make a fucking amazing power top big brother,” Ian replied.

“I think we could stay in here.  I’m pretty sure we could blend in.  I’ll be Warren and you can be Ian.  We can have sizzling hot brother sex every night.  We can make these hot boys do whatever we want,” Warren said with a grin.

“I do think we could fool everyone.  I mean when we were possessing these boys, shit I thought we were so gonna get caught with all the noise and yells they were making.  But our new Dad believed you were just yelling after getting your ass kicked in Halo?  Glad we got them under control in time so he didn’t walk in on them convulsing.  Fuck it, let’s keep these bodies!  Let’s stay in these boys forever!” the person inhabiting Ian said.

“Fuck yeah you make such a sexy little bro,” the person inhabiting Warren said.  “Kiss on it?”

The brothers moaned as they wrestled tongues clear past midnight, now merely the vessels of complete strangers who planned to exploit and use their sexy and youthful bodies for a lifetime of sweaty and sizzling hot fucking.
