#reblogged by tori



Yeah yeah that shit ain’t going to fly matey. He’s written a post here and it makes me sick. This is what happens when manipulative abusers hang out with other abusers and convince themselves nothing happened. 


He didn’t even TRY to deny the allegations when I skyped him when I found out. JUst shrugged and said “what do you want me to say?” 

yeah sit the fuck down you gross human

Related to Blann’s post: 


This post is about Alex Day so please be advised if you don’t want to read about him.

I was on reddit today and there was a thread criticising nerdfighteria and I left a comment. I received a reply from a KyleSalmon. I responded but the name definitely rung a bell and then I remembered that Alex Day used to write slash fiction about his female YouTube ‘friends’ under that name. This was about 4 years ago if I remember correctly, and I believe he read this to them and posted their reactions on YouTube, basically with the sole purpose of embarrassing them for entertainment. It’s just really not very funny and a very shitty thing to do, and I guess in hindsight a major red flag for the abuse that’s been reported. 

Obviously there’s a chance some random dude has taken his old username to post under, but I think there’s a good chance this is Alex. Writing style is also really similar. I used to read his alexdaymusic blog, every damn entry, so I guess I’d know. 

We all know he’s been posting to YouTube. We can easily unsubscribe from him there and effectively exclude him from the community we are in. Except, he’s involving himself in the Nerdfighter community in other ways. Obviously by posting under KyleSalmon on reddit, but in one of those comments he also mentions that he is apparently in Nerdfighteria related facebook groups. I don’t know if he’s in there under his own name or (more likely) a false name. Point is, when your parents told you not to trust people on the internet, this is why.


In addition to all of this, he has responded to a thread in /r/theredpill. The Red Pill described their sub as follows “The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.” The thread he responded to is a 14 year old boy who asked something about working out (lifting) and girls. Unfortunately the OP has been removed but KyleSalmon’s comment is as follows:


And it just rings all the wrong bells for me… 

On top of this he seems to be supportive of meninism by saying he’s disappointed in Hank for reblogging this video of NerdyandQuirky mocking meninism. 


And also responding to someone claiming nerdfighteria as open minded by referring to a thread where NerdyandQuirky’s meninism makeup tutorial was posted.


Now honestly everyone who thinks meninism is a totally okay movement which needs to be taken seriously makes all my alarm bells go apeshit anyway, but I thought I’d mention it, just to really drive home how much of an asshole Alex Day is. 

What to take away from this? Alex Day isn’t staying on his own little channel (which is relatively easy to avoid/block), but instead he is involving himself in nerdfighteria, although under a fake name sometimes. Please be aware that people use fake names on the internet in general, but also in nerdfighteria and in the various nerdfighteria facebook groups. We tend to treat these places as safe, unfortunately they are NOT. You do not know who you are speaking to. 
