


hands down the kindest komaeda ive ever drawn. so devoid of mischief

(dont repost anywhere ty!!)

bonus ❤️


@supa-yel wwoooooooo man when I say my jaw DROPPED when I saw this man-





Who tease now~?


guess this blog’s just gonna be an archive of sorts… sorry life’s been hectic and I’m about to get even more busy q-q

vvvChapter 3 drafts belowvvv



The Tale of Rune, Part 1

The beginning of my boy Rune’s origin story <3 had to split it up because it ended up being over 16k words lmao


Flecks of amber light danced amidst a sea of pale blue mist, casting rainbows of luminescence across the handsome marble walls and the broad, tropical leaves that formed the homes and gardens of Veilstone. The lapping of the Indigo Lake’s gentle waves at the harbor below the quiet, peaceful village was as soothing as the chatter of the bird monsters in their bowers of palm leaves on high, as the breath of wind that stirred the heavy, humid air and bowed the heavy heads of brightly hued, dew dappled flowers and fruit-laden branches both.

The scent of baked pastries, freshly ground coffee, and woodsmoke mingled with the lush, vegetation thick perfume of the gardens that thrived in the damp, humid atmosphere, and even as evening fell upon the village set just at the borders of both Waterfall and Hotland, polished brass lampposts and shining, plate glass windows illuminated with the warm glow of peace and home and rest, amphibious monsters and flickering, fiery elementals and glittering, jewel-bright insectkin passed each other by upon the finely cobbled streets, waving to one another pleasantly.

It wouldn’t be long now, though, that many, besides the contingency of the Royal Guard and the latest of bar hoppers, would return to their homes, to the wonderfully constructed manors of molded stone and twisted iron and carved wood. They were fine, luxurious things, the resting places of well to do monsters that had no interest in settling in the confines of the Aristocratic Quarter within New Home, and beyond the intricate double doors of one such abode, through a formal foyer and a largely unused dining hall, the doors to the vibrant, expansive garden that filled its backyard stood wide open, allowing the golden light from within to spill out upon a brick-patterned terrace, a patio set complete with the makings of a small tea party, and a smattering of gardening tools, set aside for the moment upon a small side table.

In one of the patio seats reclined an elegant, dusty plasma elemental, her shimmering, stardust infused form a soft, dulcet lavender that soothed just to look upon it; she wore an ethereal, silken, ivory dress that flowed down her body like water, speaking of a grace she bore without moving an inch. A sweeping of flickering, occasionally flaming hair cascaded from her head and over one shoulder, secured by a ribbon and a large, ice white lily, and her eyes, splashes of cool blue in the frame of her face, looked on the other inhabitant of the seating arrangement sadly, full lips pulled down into a worried frown.

“You look tired, dear. You haven’t been getting enough sleep, have you?” she observed quietly, folding her hands into her lap and lowering graceful brows over her watchful gaze, and where he sat slumped in his padded chair, one jean-clad leg thrown over the arm comfortably, her companion simply shrugged, letting out a humorless chuckle but accompanying it with a grin at the same time, to ensure she wouldn’t worry too much. A skeletal hand reached out to grab up the cup of tea that had been poured for him a few minutes earlier, and his sockets glittered with mischief as he held his pinky out exaggeratedly while he sipped from the cup loudly, attempting to get a laugh out of his much too concerned mother.

No go. Time for plan B.

Keep reading



The newest boy @uhhbananafrappe made and introduced for Day 31 of her Franstober series that just concluded today!

You can read his chapter and the rest of her Franstober series here! Be aware that some of it is explicit and NSFW. ♥

My boy Rune~ wanted to make my own meta Sans for fun, and Mercy so kindly helped me design him ^_^

bop-y: Back in the frans game babeyyyy!!! piggybacks are heccing hard to draaaaw


Back in the frans game babeyyyy!!! piggybacks are heccing hard to draaaaw

Post link
as-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post allas-warm-as-choco:A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.There’s not enough space to post all


A master post of Thomas Romain’s art tutorials.

There’s not enough space to post all of them, SO here’s links to everything he has posted (on twitter) so far:123456789101112. 

Now that new semesters have started, I thought people might need these. Enjoy your lessons!

Post link
black-wolf-spirit-art: A few more G&D doodles. I love these troubled dumb dumbs. @kaygee-doodles


A few more G&D doodles. I love these troubled dumb dumbs. @kaygee-doodles

Post link
black-wolf-spirit-art: Braking in my new drawing tablet with some doodles based on the fic G&D b


Braking in my new drawing tablet with some doodles based on the fic G&D by @kaygee-doodles

Post link


And the next update is here! Who knew it’d be so soon? I had a lot of fun with this sequence and I can’t wait to keep up the fun. Having these two interact is waaaaay to funny to deny. Tho… where was Frisk going? FIND OUT IN THE NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z.

Looking for the beginning of the comic? You can find the whole comic index in the master post listed below!



Y’all enjoyed this 9”0 ft boy huh?
