#reblogging again because i love this



I can’t believe it’s finally here!

my first fic!

If you want to see how Zuko and Sokka got together and the events that lead up to the creation of my OT6 go read “my baby’s sweet as can be”

Thank you to an amazing beta @zukoisgayforsokka

Next installments will be uploaded on my birthday (29th of May) and added to the series Better together.

@zukkaweek Prompt: Bedsharing / Domesticity

expect some fanart to go with the series as well

If you don’t want to see my spam it will be all tagged #OT6-fic


Ok ok ok! memeing zukka, blasting the art blocks, let’s go let’s go!


[Image ID: a messily colored redrawing of a meme, with Zuko (red) and Sokka (blue) from Avatar the Last Airbender. Zuko on the left is crouched, holding out his dual dao swords in a wide demonstrative arc - demonstrating Sokka. He has a serious, “Here Is My Wife Who I Love Very Much” expression with his hair majestically flying behind him. Sokka is standing with his hip cocked, putting weight on his right leg with the other in a hinged knee brace - also holding out his space sword towards Zuko. He’s wearing his legendary Wang Fire beard and smiling in a “Oh My Darling Is So Silly I Love Him Too” way. A flurry of hearts and sparkles surround the two theatric idiots. End ID]
