#recently archived


Conversation Starters Podcast

“A podcast about Clayton and Kelley, two lost millennials, and their never-ending conversation about the questions that keep them up at night, from the history of v-necks to ethical mourning to media curation.” Check out conversationstarterscast on Tumblr.

“Lynch Law in America” by Ida B. Wells (1900)

“Not only are two hundred men and women put to death annually, on the average, in this country by mobs, but these lives are taken with the greatest publicity.”

Against Students by Sara Ahmed

“Complaining, censorious, and over-sensitive, university students are destroying their own institutions. Wait, seriously? People think that?”

Ada: A Journal of Gender, New Media, and Technology

Beatrice Martini - On tech tools for social justice and rights

Material beings: objecthood and ethnographic photographs by Elizabeth Edwards

“Photographs are both images and physical objects which exist in time and space and thus in social and cultural experience.”


“codedoodl.es is a showcase of curated creative coding sketches. The aim of these doodles is to exhibit interactive, engaging web experiments which only require a short attention span. No loading bars, no GUI, no 5MB 3D models or audio files, just plain and simple doodles with code.” Read more about the project from Neil Carpenter.

Inspecting the Nineteenth Century Literary Digital Archive: Omissions of Empire by Adeline Koh

Adeline Koh examines the use and operations of archives alongside the developments of digitization. Specifically, Koh discusses “the politics of digitizing the literary nineteenth century.” Koh outlines three different components of her study, which are “(1) how the politics of the literary nineteenth century archive interact with and reflectissues within Victorian studies; (2) existing issues with interfaces of existing literary digital projects that limit their correlations with colonialism or the literary productions by the colonized; (3) the contrast between digital literary projects and broader historical digital archives, and the urgency of dealing with this gap (385).”

Check out more resources here.

Hello everyone! While we are working on our first issue, we wanted to share with you what has been informing our thought processes, what inspires us, and some resources we have been working from. At Mesh Archive, we want to provide as much access to resources as we can, and many of these resources are typically under the radar. These are our personal archives; we hope to bridge these gaps with you and encourage you all to share with us what informs yourlearning! 

The Hyper-affective Turn: Thinking the Social in the Digital Age

Nestor García Canclini and Maritza Urteaga discuss the shift of many 21st-century social theorists toward affect studies and how this has affected as well as been formed by digitization.

‘I WILL DO EVERYthing That Am Asked’: Scambaiting, Digital Show-Space, and the Racial Violence of Social MediabyLisa Nakamura

“Memes that depict the black body in abject and bizarre poses and situations are part of the long history of viral racism that spreads using user and audience labor.”

Pao Out as Reddit CEO; Co-Founder Huffman Takes Over

“The social news service has thousands of loyal, unpaid moderators who produce and curate the lion’s share of content on the site. But a staff firing and the controversy that erupted thereafter yesterday has moderators of some of the most influential and important parts of the site closing off their sections in protest, posing a serious problem for Reddit’s future … “


Monoskop is a wiki for collaborative studies of the arts, media and humanities (Monoskop About). This is a large database of resources that can helpful in exploring some other concepts in relation to what we have been talking about.

Mindy Fullilove – Reading about Displacement

A collection of research and resources by Mindy Fullilove, who has provided a profound amount of her research online for access concerning displacement in relation to black women and community, housing, family, and AIDS.

Center for Art and Thought

Center for Art and Thought is a network of artists, scholars, and activists who use the internet as a platform to showcase the variety of works being produced out of the Filipinx diaspora (CA+T About). They have collections of work, art, essays, and exhibitions speaking to the digital era and importance of access to resources that inform learning.

Jane Jin Kaisen

Jane Jin Kaisen is Korean transnational adoptee who works with a variety of artforms that explore representations of memory, history, and transnational subjectivity (Jane Jin Kaisen About). She has produced an incredible amount of works surrounding this fairly difficult concepts such as her film The Woman, The Orphan, and The Tiger, which can be found here.

Chapter One of Queer Phenomenology by Sara Ahmed

Queer Phenomenology explores orientation — a turn of the body toward objects — as well as the significance of objects’ physical impressions upon the body. Much of Ahmed’s work focuses on the occupation of spaces and bodies and the politics of those spatial-material interactions.
