#recette lemongrass

 A costume from each year I’ve been cosplaying, 2007-2017. I probably averaged 2-3 costumes a

A costume from each year I’ve been cosplaying, 2007-2017. I probably averaged 2-3 costumes a year at least. It’s been fun!

I started with hand-sewing stuff onto T-shirts with the collar cut out and using sticky-back ribbon as trim. No wigs. I didn’t finish seams in the first two years or line anything in the first three. Between 2009-2011 I really favored cotton sateen for just about anything. 2014 was the year I went on semi-hiatus from cosplay and conventions, so there weren’t any decent costumes made during that time. I returned in full force in 2015 after a trip to Japan and here we are now, year 2017, 10 years since I started this intense hobby in my freshman year of college.

I’ve always said that I’ll scale back massively from cosplay once I hit 30, so next year, 2018, will likely be the final year I do some sort of age-inappropriate cosplay. If Sword Art Online season 3 promotion is in full force then, I’ll cosplay SAO for one last time and go out on a high note.

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