#reddington imagine


Imagine declining a task from Reddington…

Strolling in with a smile on his face, Reddington picked up one of the newspapers sitting on the hallway table as he walked deeper into the apartment. At the entrance to the living room, he noticed you reclined on the sofa against the open window where the weather was inviting beautiful rays of sunshine.

There was a blue clay mask over your face and you were dressed in a soft robe - clearly taking his notes on how to make the most of a day off.

As the man took a seat on the free couch, he grinned. “One word - breakout.”

Eyes closed, you could recognise Reddington’s footsteps from a mile away. Letting out a sigh, you shuffled in the chair to stretch your relaxing muscles.

“No thanks.” 

Reddington blinked at the response. It wasn’t what he had been expecting. “No thanks? You practically jump at breakouts.” He honestly couldn’t remember the last time you refused a task that requiring outsmarting the other team.

“Normally, yes. I do love the occasional prison break - especially if it bothers the authorities. But I’m on a ‘staycation’ for a month.” You replied in a voice filled with zen. “You should try it.”

Flabbergasted, Reddington stared in disbelief. “Y/n, you literally have a small-scale heist in two hours for the Lewis Brothers. That hardly factors as a ‘staycation’.”

“They were booked in prior to my break.”

“Then reschedule - this is important. We need to get Rakitin out of the Post Office.”

Reddington hoped that the details of the mission would be enough to place some weight on the matter - but you merely hummed.

“Oh, he’s very valuable. You should really get him back.”

“So, that’s it? You won’t help?” Reddington scoffed, leaning back in the chair.

You shrugged nonchalantly. “Not really.” Lifting an arm in his direction, you wiggled a few fingers. “Can I have that paper before you leave?”

Casting an incredulous look at Dembe, who smiled, Reddington did as requested with a shake of his head. “Unbelievable.”

~More imagines here~
