

Pillow Talk

Pairing: Jason Todd x f!Reader

First writing Challenge. Like, ever.

Word count: 2.4K

Warnings: Swearing, slight angst but tons of fluff and soft Jason

Summary: Jason sprains an ankle and you make it your goal to have a fun week.

@redhoodssweetheart I hope you like it!

My prompts were Accidental love confession and “Get in the blanket fort (character name)! We’re reliving our childhood tonight”

This is how I imagine Jason passing the time until he can go on patrol again xD


Bruce Wayne always held the most extravagant galas. This one Jason invited you to was no exception. It was held in a beautiful hotel and took place in the biggest ballroom they could offer.

You were chatting with Tim when you heard it.

A loud crash, champagne glasses breaking and Dick’s unmistakable laughter.

“What the fuck.” The noise startled you, causing you to whip your head around in search for the source.

Jason was on his back, Dick laughing, guests in shock, and Bruce looking like the most disappointed father in the world.

You and Tim began laughing as you made your way over to your best friend.

“Are you okay? What happened,” you chuckled.

“Well see, I bet Jason he couldn’t—“ Dick began in between laughter.

You raised your hands. "Say no more,” you quietly laughed, giving Jason a once over.

“Shouldn’t someone call an ambulance?” asked a worried guest.

Jason waved his hands, “No, no. I’m fine. We’re good.” He grunted as he started to get to his feet only to grimace and hold onto you as he put pressure on his right foot.

"Fine, huh,” you teased, poking his chest.

Jason only narrowed his eyes as Dick and Tim snickered.

Bruce nodded for you to go so you headed out.

One Wayne boy laughing, holding up his brother—you and the third chuckling close behind.

Having just returned from the hospital, you put away your and Jason’s coats and headed toward the living room of the manor. Well, the nearest one. The warmth from the fireplace was a welcome change from the freezing Gotham winter.

“Here,” you offered as you fluffed the couch pillows. “Lay here and I’ll be right back with some hot chocolate.” You gave his arm a pat, and a warm smile.

“This is bullshit,” he groaned.

“Well, think of it this way. Now you get to have a week-long vacation with me,” you exclaimed from the kitchen, “and you don’t have to attend any Wayne events for the week.”

“Yeah but that also means no patrols…”

You could hear the pout.

You made your way back to Jason and set the mugs down.

“Come on, I can be fun too,” you whined. “I’ve spent enough time around you three to know how.”

"From me, yes. From Dick and Timbo, no,” he said very matter of fact.

The two of you were laughing as Alfred walked in.

“I’ve prepared a downstairs bedroom along with some clothes for you, Master Jason. I’ve also set aside some comfortable clothes for you as well, Miss,” he gave a kind smile as he set down a fuzzy blanket on the couch. "Is there anything else I can do?” he offered.

You looked at Jason and he shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.

"We’re good for now, Alfred. Thank you.” You returned the smile and got up to get Jason’s crutches.

He gave your arm a gentle pat. “Well, if you two need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.” He gave a slight nod and walked off.

You turned back to Jason, presenting his crutches. "Alright, let’s go get out of these fancy clothes and into some comfy ones,” you spoke with a bright smile taking over your features.

“You know, if you wanted to see me shirtless, sweetheart, you could’ve just asked,” he teased.

You grab the nearest pillow and throw it at his smug face. “Shut up and go,” you chuckled.

Settling Jason into bed, you follow suit and snuggle into his side.

"I don’t know what I’m going to do for a whole fucking week,” he signed, running a hand down his face.

"Heal,” you scoffed.

"Ha, ha.” He rolled his eyes, trying to hide a smile. “Really though, it’s going to be torture not being able to go on patrol—and I know torture,” he said, eyebrows raised to exaggerate his point.

You scoffed, smacking his arm.

You could feel the deep rumble of laughter in his chest and you couldn’t help but let out laughter of your own. “You’re terrible,” you giggled.

“Nah, but this week will be,” he said as he brought his free arm up behind his head.

“Hey! I have an idea,” you shot up, startling him. “What was your favorite thing to do as a kid? Sleep over, baking, watching movies,” you began rattling off activities.

“Not dying?” he joked but you caught the solemn hint in his tone.

“I mean. I didn’t have the best childhood but I remember the times I was able to spend with my cousin. Those few times were the best.” You looked down at your hands, a sad smile on your face. “We would watch whatever pirated movie we had on hand and if we were lucky, we’d have a couple snacks.” This time your smile reached your eyes.

“A cousin? I don’t think you’ve ever talked about them?” his voice soft as he gently held your hands. He cocked his head slightly, prompting you to go on.

“I don’t really talk about him.” You looked back down at your linked hands. “He died when we were in our teens and I just…” your voice broke.

“Hey, it’s ok, sweetheart,” he sat up and pulled you in for a tight hug. “Let’s do the stuff you liked.” He pulled back and looked at you with a grin. “You can show me what I missed out on and that way this week won’t be so boring.”

You sniffed. “I’ll make a list,” you said with glee.

Four days in and you had watched countless movies, ate all the best snacks, and even got him to let you curl his hair.

You had to admit, you were running out of ideas but the best one was for today. A pillow fort and you were determined to make it the most grand of all pillow forts.

You were busy finishing up the final touches when you heard Jason hopping into the living room.

“What in the actual–“ he began

“Don’t,” You froze and raised a finger. “Just trust me.” You turned your head and gave him a sly smile.

He raised a hand in defeat and gave you a lopsided smile. Watching as you finished, he sat on a nearby recliner, setting his crutches to the side.

“Aaaaand done,” you exclaimed, standing up in triumph.

“And what is it that you’ve done,” his tone laced with humor.

“A pillow fort!”

“Well, yeah, I can see that, sweetheart,” he chuckled. “I mean, what’s your great plan for the pillow fort?”

“Reading inside the pillow fort, duh!” To push across your point even further, you raised your hands to your sides and cocked your head. Then, bringing your finger to your chin, “We can also watch movies.”

“Nah, I’m already comfortable here,” he reclined further and closed his eyes.

“Get in the pillow fort, Jason! We’re reliving our childhood tonight,” you called out, one hand pointing toward the fort and the other on your hip.

He sighed, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. “Alright, fine,” he sat up and made grabby hands toward you, “help me up.”

You gave a little happy squeal and jump. You helped him up and onto the floor near the fort entrance.

You crawled through the blanket door and sat against a wall of plush pillows. You grabbed a fuzzy blanket that you’d stashed inside and motioned for him to sit next to you.

“I…don’t think I’m going to fit,” he chuckled.

“I made it as big as I could, of course you’ll fit!” You switched on a small lantern.

“Yeah, speaking of which. How many couches did you raid for this?” Laughing as he crawled toward you.

You looked at the blanket and pillows above you and then back at Jason. “I promised Alfred I’d put them back.” You gave him your biggest, most innocent smile.

He paused to look at you only to shake his head and chuckle.

Finally, he settled next to you. His broad shoulders taking up most of the pillows you’d set to lean against and his head hitting the blanket above you.

You couldn’t help but smile at how big he was compared to your fort.

“Okay. So what now?” he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Well. I brought a few books, some snacks and my laptop. We could read or watch a movie?” You looked up at him expectantly.

He put his arm around your shoulders and gave a slight squeeze. “What was your favorite thing to do in your pillow forts?”

You looked down at your hands, realizing they were playing with Jason’s free one. “James and I would share secrets. It was always at the end of the night, when no one else could listen in. We would share the things that no one else knew about us, things that we feared, and even crushes we had,” you have a breathy laugh.

You looked back up at him. “Are you willing to share any secrets, Jason Todd?” you asked mockingly.

He burst out laughing, head falling back into the pillow.

Trying not to laugh, you questioned him.

“Sweetheart,” he smiled down at you. “There’s nothing I could tell you that you don’t already know.” He punctuated the thought with a lick of his lips.

You had been best friends for two years. You pretty much did know everything about each other and spent every other day together. But, you’d never noticed the warmth spreading through your chest and into your cheeks.

You leaned your head back onto the pillow. “Come on. There has to be something that I don’t know about you. Like…” Rolling your head toward him, “What did you first think of me when we first met?” You looked up at him with innocent, wide eyes.

He also leaned his head back and hummed in thought for a second. He looked down at you, “Too cute to actually be interested in books.”

You nudged his ribs as you both laughed.

He wasn’t too far from the truth.

“Come on! I’ll be honest.” You shifted a bit in your spot to turn and lean your legs on his.

You were NOT going to be honest. At least, not completely. You couldn’t risk it…

“I did think you were cute–“

“What do you mean ‘were’?!” He interrupted, with an offended look on his face. “Why do you think my face is the most shielded part of my body on patrol?!”

Your eye roll was so big your head rolled along with them.

“Yeah, yeah,” you waved a dismissive hand. “Anyway. I was curious why a cute guy was in the library. I figured you were with someone or doing homework.”

You leaned against the pillow and looked at his shoulder.

“I was pleasantly surprised to learn that you’re the whole package,” you smirked, “attractive and smart.”

He chuckled and looked down. If you had been looking up at his face, you would have seen the blush that spread across his cheeks.

You giggled, “Really though.” This time you did look up. “It was nice to finally find someone intelligent and not just someone looking for a hookup.”

He heard the sincerity in your voice and it made his chest swell with pride.

“Well. I honestly thought you were an interesting person. Not different just to be different and you genuinely seemed like a good person.” His tone was kind.

Jason was caught off guard that day in the library, but not just because you were cute. He was so glad he went up to comment about the book you were reading because he finally found someone he could have conversations with about his favorite books.

The longer you two talked, the more he admired you.

The more he admired you, the less deserving he felt.

It was amazing and shitty all at the same time but he couldn’t bear to not at least have you as a friend.

“Hell, you didn’t run away or cuss me out when you found out I was Red Hood. It was the most nervous I’d ever felt in my life.” His voice grew softer at the end. His shoulders dropped and his face somber.

“I love having you around, (Y/N), and when I decided to tell you,” he gulped. “I was so afraid you’d hate me or be scared of me.”

He didn’t even try to hide the quiver in his voice.

He had realized along the way that he had feelings for you but refused to believe someone like you would ever feel the same for someone like him.

You hugged his arm and lay your chin on his shoulder. “I could never hate you, Jason. Much less be afraid of you.” You tried to pour all the kindness and sincerity into your tone to show him how honest you were.

He let out a soft chuckle, “I just couldn’t believe someone like you would ever stick around with how fucked up my life has been.” He sighed.

“You’ve been here with me all week when you don’t even have to. You help me, you bring me things just so I don’t have to get up,” a warm smile brightened his face. “You accept me for me and don’t give me crap about it. When shit hits the fan, instead of scolding me like Bruce or teasing me like my brothers, you listen.

“I don’t deserve to love someone like you…” his voice was almost a whisper.

You slowly registered what he had said last and slowly rose your head from atop his shoulder.

“You what…?” Your face a mixture of surprise, hope and confusion.

Jason realized what he said and froze. His chest tightened and he waited for the worst.

“Jason.” You loosened your grip on his arm. “Do you really?” Your voice in a low whisper.

He nodded.

You gently reached up to turn his face toward you.

“I love you too.”

All the tension and the breath he didn’t know he was holding all dissipated and he felt lighter, happier. He embraced you with such vigor, his head on yours and just sat there.

Jason never imagined being thankful for a sprained ankle
