#redwood legacy


Cushing Residence, Brindleton Bay 1842.

The economic situation of the Cushings was getting worse, Percy didn’t have a profession that allowed him a respectable job and the maintenance of the Cushing Residence was not cheap, they even started to use the money from Amber’s dowry to cover some expenses.

Before the situation worsened, they decided that it would be better to sell and pawn certain antiques that were around the house, starting with his mother’s old study.

This herbal remedy studio had not been opened since Jeanne’s death, so there was an intense smell of flowers, dust and different herbs. This was like a sanctuary to her, so it was very complicated for Percy to start keeping these things.

Percy: Everything is full of memories, I feel so confused about what to do first.

Amber: It’s okay Percy, I’ll take care of the apothecary and the books. You take out the furniture and the old flowers please.

Amber and Percy spent the afternoon rearranging the small studio, dusting and cleaning as they searched for things of value that they could sell. There were several things inside the apothecary that they were putting away in different boxes while leaving items that had emotional value.

Percival:I have spoken to Thaddeus and he has gotten you a space in the Whinkers marketplace so you can sell these things. I hope that helps us for the time being so you can concentrate on your writing again soon.

Amber: Percy, it’s okay. My writing doesn’t give us enough income for now, I don’t mind having to work in the market.

Amber could see her brother’s anguish and sorrow in his eyes. She was worried about his future but preferred to show confidence in Percy to motivate him in his decisions.

Amber:Stay calm, we still have convervas and jams with the autumn crops and Mr. Delgato’s store is trusting us with flour and eggs.
Percy: I am sure that in the spring our situation will improve. I appreciate your patience and cooperation with this, I really couldn’t do it alone.

Whinkerspark, Brindleton Bay 1842.

Weeks passed and Lord Redwood arranged for a governess for Suzette so that she could improve her piano skills. His relationship with his granddaughter was slowly improving and Clara could not be happier that this was happening.

Lady Redwood did not agree with Lord Redwood’s new way with her granddaughter, to her it seemed to be a lost cause anyway.

She always stood at the threshold of the Drawing room watching and judging from afar. But this time she felt a big fatigue in her whole body together with a headache, so she collapsed on the floor in a faint.

They called the doctor who arrived as quickly as he could, checked on Lady Redwood who was resting on her bed. At this time he needed to speak to the family about her health.

Lord Redwood: Please, Doctor, put an end to our anguish, I ask you to tell us what is wrong with my wife. Will she recover?

Doctor: Lord Redwood, your wife shows the symptoms of scarlet fever, this disease in a woman of Lady Redwood’s age does not leave us many possibilities to act. I will do everything I can to make her discomfort less but there is not much more to do, I am sorry.

The news about Lady Redwood’s health fell like a block of stone on everyone, silence dominated the room with its somber feeling at the thought of possible death looming.

Suzette was very saddened, she thought she would be able to make things right with her grandmother as well as with her grandfather, but it seemed like that might never happen.
