#reed900 rp

wingedauthor: For @aurora-nerinCan’t believe we made it a year of consistently RPing. Our stories ce



Can’t believe we made it a year of consistently RPing. Our stories certainly have gotten wild and crazy but I’ve been having so much fun. So here’s a piece I’ve been frantically working on to celebrate that. 

The kids in the background going from top to bottom are: Marilyn (twin 1 and Gavin if he were a lesbian gremlin/demon), Richard (twin 2 and basically Nines incarnate; anxiety and all) and Ellie, Nines’ recently discovered long lost daughter. She’s blind. Luna is her seeing-eye android dog. 

Omg this is soooo adorable! And it has been a year and I’m legit afraid to know how many words we have written. Our main timeline is an absolute cluster fuck at this point, that’s for sure. But I’m honestly amazed and grateful that I found someone else that can just… Not get bored and keep doing RP and writing the same characters.

Happy anniversary

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