#rei shingetsu


A silly button for @projsakuraygo


(I’m surprised how Nasch can keep such a straight face throughout the entire episode.) What an

(I’m surprised how Nasch can keep such a straight face throughout the entire episode.)

What an interesting turn of events. Vector goes crazy and turns on Don Thousand for the past… and epically trolls all of us. Freaking Vector, does your head have some sort of internal processor that instantly creates troll logic straight out of nowhere? Is there a word that transcends “insane”? That is what Vector is right now.

The ending of the duel wasn’t as great as I thought (CNo. 5 out of nowhere, wild Rank-Up cards appeared!), but it was great to see Nasch using No. 73 to put down Nasch’s ambitions just like their historic dark duel. Maybe redeemed Vector will reappear next episode or maybe he went so far that he trumps evil Marik standards. We’ll see.

If Vector received his over-hundred numbers early in his life while the other Barian Emperors received theirs at the end of their lives… was Vector’s suicide real? Maybe he received more at the end of his life from Don Thousand.

Also, GLOWING ASTRAL BEINGS AT THE PREVIEW. We will later see why Yuma’s parents said that he chose them! What will happen to the absorbed Barian Emperors after Vector’s defeat? Will we see Durbe and Merag’s true memories?! Is Don Thousand really handsome?! Stay tune for more crazy plot twists!

(Sorry for not posting in a long while, I blame classwork and homework for my absence. I will try and stay up to date!)

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thinking about them
