#reijo oksanen

Agnes: What is the meaning of the Pentecost? What does the picture mean and what does the traditiona

Agnes: What is the meaning of the Pentecost? What does the picture mean and what does the traditional iconography say of the Pentecost in the New Testament when the Holy Spirit descends?

Pentecost takes place at this time of the year, 40 days after Easter, after the death and resurrection of the Christ. 40 denotes a complete cycle in time, also used in the Old Testament, a completion of a period. At the Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descends on the community. The disciples were again twelve; in the inner world, it means that all the parts were together. When all are together the time is completed.

What do we understand about the Holy Spirit? It is said that it is the third person in the Holy Trinity besides the Father and the Son. It is said that at Pentecost the Holy Spirit descended like fire upon every head. From then on, all the disciples could understand and speak the language of everyone else and even understand foreign languages and speak them. Of course, this is not to be taken as a historical happening, but an inner event. It is very difficult for us to understand the Holy Spirit and it was not easier before.

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[Thank you Reijo Oksanen]

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