

another reikao…. with a process gif…..

another handful of misc things from the past bit

doodles for kaitlyns reikao hitman au…!

reikaos + chiakana doodlereikaos + chiakana doodlereikaos + chiakana doodlereikaos + chiakana doodle

reikaos + chiakana doodle

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Fandom: Ensemble Stars

It’s nice outside, the air still warm from the summer sun despite the sun setting hours prior. The wind is gentle enough to not be a problem for his level of dress but to still feel it push his hair away from his neck and rush across his skin, grounding him. The city streets are lit here and there to mark the other night owls and late night businesses. He wishes just a bit that their apartment faced the beach, if not just to see the gentle rolling of the waves being pushed by the moon. He’s halfway through his juice when he even notices he’s been drinking it.

read on ao3

Fandom: Ensemble Stars

“I have always been a huge fan of your’s, Kaoru-kun.”
“Has that been your subtle way of telling me you were in love with me all this time?”

read on ao3

Fandom: Ensemble Stars

Kaoru clicks his tongue, lounging in one of the chairs in the RhyLink lobby after finishing his tasks for the day, as he scrolls through his stupidly empty text messages. Just last year he couldn’t get his phone to shut up and now it’s like he lost service. He clicks the Undead group chat, desperate for some conversation with his friends at least.

read on ao3

Fandom: Ensemble Stars

When Rei came into practice one day in a wheelchair, then proceeded to get out of it when he needed to help with dance moves only to sit back down in it when he wasn’t needed, the rest of Undead immediately understood.

read on ao3

Rating: Gen
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 2577
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ships: ReiKao

He notices a hunched figure up ahead in front of a vending machine and pauses his movements. He recognizes the man’s uniform first, noting that it’s his own, then he notices the unruly black hair. Is that…? He walks a bit closer and the hunched figure collapses to the ground in one swift motion.

read on ao3

Rating: T
Chapters: 2/2
Words: 3569
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ships: ReiKao

He’s not sure if it’s the knowledge of the texts, or the fact that Kaoru was just sitting there staring at the water for the time he spends walking over, but seeing Kaoru suddenly stand up and walk towards the water sparked some anxiety in Rei. Kaoru has always been a troubled individual, he was just so much better at hiding it. It hits him then, what if Kaoru had already let himself be carried off by the waves by the time Rei got here? Surely, he wouldn’t, there’d be too many people around.

read on ao3

Rating: G
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 2294
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ships: ReiKao

The sun shone brightly into the room, it’s what most people would see as a nice day. Just warm enough to not need a jacket but not super hot. He hates it.

read on ao3

Fandom: Ensemble Stars

He always knew Rei was damaged, there’s no way one of the five eccentrics would be okay mentally, before or after the war. Whenever anyone would try and delve into Rei’s mind, they’d only get hurt. It was almost funny how symbolic this all looked, the scene turning Rei into the bloody rose he always felt like. Rei as the budding flower with thorns poking out to protect himself. Kaoru himself had gotten cut by those hypothetical thorns on multiple occasions in the past. They’re hidden when you look at the flower itself, but they’re definitely there.

read on ao3

Fandom: Ensemble Stars

The music room in the middle of the school day, as to be expected, is nice and quiet. Kaoru took a look around the room, closing the door behind him as he stepped in. A bad case of insomnia hit him right after the previous night’s live and it’s a miracle he even made it to school today. Surely, no one would be around for a few hours, so it wouldn’t hurt to use the room to catch up on his sleep.

read on ao3

Something I drew a friend for her birthday ! Two of her favorite Rei pairings <3
