#reluctant mentor


It wasn’t that Fenton was one to believe blindly in what he was told. Sure, he had been called too trusting before by teachers, colleagues, friends, his boss, and a fondly exasperated m’ma but he had learned early on not to just go by articles one found on the internet.

But all the old reports he had pulled up on the Duck Avenger (Paperinik, the other vigilante had corrected with a sigh) hadn’t exactly been the most… flattering. Articles concerning pranks, petty vandalism,  the occasional outright felony, and a smattering of heroics to cut the edge had filled his HUD. It hadn’t helped that PK, as Launchpad had dubbed the older vigilante within five minutes of meeting him, hadn’t even tried to deny it. Merely shrugged it off with a quip about being angrier in his youth before settling in on the rooftop the group was currently sharing in uneasy peace after foiling the Beagle Boys’ latest heist.

The fact that the Beagle Boys’ current partner in crime had escaped was hanging between them all. Sure, the so-called Inquinator seemed fairly low on the threat level after dealing with the likes of Negaduck and the Fearsome Five but all the dirt that was par and parcel of his theme was just unsanitary. Not to mention that it was clogging the joints in the Gizmoduck suit.

The admission had caused Darkwing Duck to huff in annoyance, crossing his arms and squinting at Paperinik, the ink and grease they were all covered in detracting from the effect. He was clearly spoiling for a fight that Duck Ave- Paperinik didn’t seem inclined to give him, jaw set and eyes narrowed. But Fenton was used to that. When Wingy allowed himself to relax, he really was endearing in his own way. But he could be the most stubborn, argumentative, hard headed creature on the planet when his defenses were up.

Forgiving Fenton may be but he wasn’t totally clueless. When Darkwing Duck was in the sort of wary mood he was in now, it took a lot to direct his mind from its current course.

A course Paperinik didn’t seem inclined to notice. Of course, his “not noticing” was perhaps less a bid to keep the peace and seemed a quiet challenge in its own right, Fenton was slowly realizing.

And Wingy, being Wingy and thus a bit insecure even at the best of times, took the bait.

“Come on, Gizmoduck, we don’t need a crook’s help. We’ll find the other guy the Beagle Boys were working with just fine.”

If it was any other time, Fenton might have been pleased that Darkwing seemed to finally be accepting his friendship after months of hard work. But right now, he felt more caught in the middle than anything else.

“Or,” Paperinik had piped up, “You could let me handle Inquinator. I’ve dealt with him before and I was doing just fine on my own before you kids showed up to distract me.”


Oh, dear.

A quick glance at Launchpad showed that both he and the larger duck were wearing similar expressions of discomfort as Darkwing squawked with indignation. And one look at Paperinik’s satisfied little smile told Fenton that the shot had been deliberate. The older vigilante was evidently just as inclined as Darkwing to hold a grudge. Which, given the sheer, unadulterated pettiness displayed in the old articles, perhaps shouldn’t have been a surprise. One prank sprung on Scrooge McDuck of all people had been awe inspiring in its audacity. Cannons were involved.

Where did someone even get a cannon in this day and age?

“Now, listen here, you-!”

“Hey, DW, maybe we can ask PK a few questions?”

Sometimes, Fenton wondered if Launchpad was perhaps a bit smarter than he let on. The guileless smile that accompanied the suggestion said otherwise but either way, Wingy had been effectively distracted from the impending rant. Paperinik almost looked disappointed.

“Yeah,” Fenton picked up the thread hopefully,”If he’s been at this awhile, he might have all kinds of advice on being a superhero!”

But perhaps it was still the wrong thing to say because the suited duck scoffed in response, turning to stalk towards the edge of the roof, grappling gun in hand. Not even acknowledging Paperinik’s cross exclamation that he was mostly retired and had been for a decade, thank you very much.

“You talk to him then, Gizmo. If I wanted advice from a washed up has been, he wouldn’t even make the list. Because the list has actual heroes on it. Now, I have a crook to catch.”

Fenton winced. That was the sort of barb that Darkwing would hopefully feel bad about later but for now, it was probably best to let him cool off. Apologetically, he turned to Paperinik, stumbling slightly over his words. “I-I’m sorry about him. It’s been a long night and-.”

It was his startled exclamation that caused Darkwing to whirl on his heel, ducking low in a defensive stance and nearly crashing into Launchpad’s chest. After a moment’s scramble, the duo arranged themselves to stand side by side, Darkwing’s expression turning thunderous as he realized what had caused Gizmoduck to cry out in surprise.

Paperinik had disappeared without a trace. Not even an inky footprint to give him away.
