
On this one year anniversary of the Pulse Orlando tragedy where 49 innocent people (primarily queer

On this one year anniversary of the Pulse Orlando tragedy where 49 innocent people (primarily queer people of color) were murdered, honor their lives by continuing to fight like hell for the millions of LGBTQ people that are still not safe in this world & are murdered for simply existing. Don’t allow Orlando to ever be forgotten. Don’t allow any queer or transgender life to ever be forgotten.

Straight allies, stfu and listen to queer & trans people. Don’t just pray, take action! Don’t be afraid to call people out - showing solidarity is not supposed to be easy or comfortable but is necessary under a homophobic, transphobic, white supremacist police state.

And don’t fucking believe for one second that the people in power give two shits about queer and trans lives. The majority of them are responsible for fueling anti- LGBT sentiment. Also don’t think we forgot about the fact that the piece of shit scumbag president Trump used the Orlando tragedy to promote islamaphobia and gain votes.

It is easier for Trump & other republicans to blame Muslims than to face America’s indifference to violence. Their homophobia encourages hate crimes as these every single day. They didn’t pull the trigger but the blood is still on their hands.

Our silence is complacency and we must recognize that our silence is a matter of life and death.

We should mourn the dead but also not forget to fight like hell for the living.

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