#research paper writer


Hi everyone, sorry to have lapsed on emoticons-translated for so long. I’ve been working on a new project tangentially related to translation; in this case, it’s about memory and media archaeology. Thanks~ (=`ω´=)

Exhibition, residency and publicity of my works for 2015:Universal Record (link to Wired interview)R

Exhibition, residency and publicity of my works for 2015:

Universal Record (link to Wired interview)

Re-creating a half remembered video game from memory, and finding it while in residency at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture (link to Motherboard interviews)

This post from emoticons-translated.tumblr.com becomes a “Top Emoji Post” for Tumblr’s 2015 year in review!

Thank you for a wonderful year, everyone! I look forward to sharing more with you in 2016.

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The software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been locatThe software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been locatThe software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been locatThe software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been locatThe software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been locat

The software I tried to locate by re-drawing what I could remember from middle school has been located. I recalled some things correctly and incorrectly. (re-creation in B&W, actual is in color.) And the whole thing was way more violent than I remembered.

If you’re interested, I recorded myself playing through the simulation.

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