



pairing: jungkook x female reader

genre: drabble series, slow burn, idiots to lovers, fluff, lil bit of angst, eventual smut

summary: This random guy has started doing laundry at your favorite laundromat each week (at the same time as you, no less!) and to be honest, it’s going to be a problem. You’re just not sure how yet.

rating: 18+ for eventual smut

word count: less than 500

warnings:??? Um?? Swearing? That’s kind of it? One ill-timed interruption for which I am not sorry???

notes:So!! Welcome to your Monday pick-me-up! I hope it does the trick. I think we’re all feeling a bit exhausted after the incredibly busy and exciting weekend and there were a few big and important holidays for some folks tucked in there as well. Happy reading and I hope your days are lovely. See you next week!

my masterlist|my disclaimers|read on ao3

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Namjoon’s large enough that he fills the door frame for a moment when you open the door. For a moment, everything is fine, you say hi, and step aside to let him in. It’s when you see his roommate that every single alarm in your head starts squealing.



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right on cue i wouldn’t be surprised if namjoon broke something in the kitchen and his timing is just perfect they were finally have a conversation that’s more than a few seconds hopefully in the next chapter they continue this conversation maybe even have another involving meetinv up somewhere other than the laundromat here’s hoping they can talk without interruptions
