#respect other faiths



It’s the first time you are hearing about Christian craft and it seems so foreign to you. How can such contradictory things be part of a worship, you ask. How can you be a God-fearing Christian and a witch?

What is witchcraft?

Witchcraft is a practice that can include shaping energy and interacting with the spiritual world. No witch uses witchcraft in exactly the same way. Some use it for healing, some for divination, some for cursing, etc. Many use it to worship their deities and cultivate a relationship with them, but not all. Some are secular and do not work with deities. Some have relations with deities but do not incorporate them into their craft. A witch’s spirituality is not intrinsically tied to their craft. Alternatively, witchcraft is not a religion, but a practice. It can be an expression of a religion, but it is by nature non-religious.

What does the Bible say about Witchcraft?

Please read this postbyphoenyxangel.

calyhex also did a lovely series (part 1,part 2,part 3)

My own analysis on a few verses:

I am a green witch. That means I use creation, particularly plants, in order to perform my spells. Green witches use the energy stored within creation in order to create effects.

We know God has invested power in creation because of the story of Cain and Abel. It is the ground that seems to convict Cain for his crimes. Before Cain killed his brother, the ground gave him strength.

And the Lord said, “What have you done? Listen; your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground! And now you are cursed from the ground, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.”

-Gen 4:10-12

Consider also that if humans do not worship God creation must cry out to Him.

But he answered them, “I tell you that if they keep quiet, the stones will shout!”

-Luke 19:40

The power is there. Is it wrong to learn to use it? On the contrary, I find it to be an interesting way to study God. By knowing His creation, I come to know Him better.

Also note that when Jesus was confronted with magick (albeit, religious magick) he did nothing to condemn it. In the story of the healing at the pool Jesus heals a man who is waiting at a magick pool. Whenever the water was stirred it was supposed to be because an angel came and touched it. Whoever jumped into the pool first was supposed to be healed. (I’m assuming it worked, at least in part, for all of these people to be waiting so eagerly for their chance to jump in. The man in question had waited there for a long time and had missed many chances because he couldn’t move.)

Now in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate there is a pool, called in Hebrew Beth-zatha, which has five porticoes. In these lay many invalids—blind, lame, and paralyzed, waiting for the stirring of the water; for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool, and stirred up the water; whoever stepped in first after the stirring of the water was made well from whatever disease that person had.

-John 5:2-4

If Jesus didn’t have an issue, then maybe we shouldn’t. I think Christian witches need to be judicious in what they practice. I think baneful magick is iffy at best. Jesus wasn’t baneful, so neither should we be. That being said, bindings and curses do not have to be baneful.

You can read more about my personal path on my FAQ. You can find book suggestions on my Books and Resourcespage.

What about Christopaganism?

That really isn’t my area of expertise. The Bible is clear that there are other spiritual forces in the world and God Himself refers to them as gods!

For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both men and animals; and I will execute judgment against all the gods of Egypt; I am Adonai.

-Exodus 12:12

Do they exist? Yes! Should you have a relation with them and how should you go about balancing your time spent with each deity? You would have to ask a Christopagan yourself.

It’s important to note that not all Christopagans are witches. Not all Christopagans work with other pantheons either, some preferring to work within the Abrahamic faith. Please do not assume anything and approach them respectfully.


  1. norvicensiandoran
  2. thespringpagan
  3. thepaganstudygrouppage
  4. thechristopaganmystic

Also:christopagan tag.

Should I be a Christian witch?

I don’t know, because I do not know your relationship with God or the core motivations you have for pursuing craft. Being a Christian witch is about using craft to express your relationship with God. It is to help you draw closer to Him by experiencing Him through magick. It can also cause you to be an asset to other Christians and to this world. You can work magick for those in need.

You can be a Christian and a witch without being a Christian witch as well. You would simply be a practitioner who does not incorporate God into your magick. If you do work with other deities, it will be important that you keep a strict balance and healthy understanding of who these forces are to you in your magick. It will be a difficult road to navigate f you are trusting other forces for your power yet truly putting your faith in God, and perhaps impossible for you without falling into temptation.

Healthy Christian Craft is an article I wrote explaining some common ways in which craft can become unhealthy for a Christian. Remember, this path has as many temptations as any other, but the Christian community offers much less support than with other forms of worship. You will have to constantly be realigning your will with God’s will so that you will not fall into sin. You may also want to follow my meditations and work through them in order to come to a conclusion. This is a decision that takes a lot of reflection and soul searching. Christian witchcraft should not be approached lightly.
