
Last week, I posted a reel of a Regency inspired picnic I had in early November with Hime.These are Last week, I posted a reel of a Regency inspired picnic I had in early November with Hime.These are Last week, I posted a reel of a Regency inspired picnic I had in early November with Hime.These are

Last week, I posted a reel of a Regency inspired picnic I had in early November with Hime.

These are the outfit pictures to accompany that post.

The outfit is of course not historically accurate, but the dress design, while from a ‘lolita’ brand has clear inspirations from the period. I curled my hair in the late 18th century style for the first time, and I have to say I was really surprised at how much more it instantly made me feel 100x more Austen.

The jacket, while designed for lolita, crops short enough that I used it as a sort of spencer here (though I believe a real spencer would be shorter than this). I handmade a chemisette to achieve more Regency daywear authenticity(didn’t turn out too great but that’s a different story), and hand embellished a straw bonnet.

I also dressed up with some slightly different items for a more evening-appropriate look in the second photo.

It was really fun to wear and dress in this outfit! I wouldn’t give up lolita for the world but I think historic costumes have much of the same spirit and magic!

OP: Resplendent Galaxy (Taobao)
Jacket: Visible Milky Way (Taobao)
Shoes: Kitten’s Ankles (except white shoes, which are Mary Magdalene)
Chemisette and bonnet handmade (flower comb attached is from Henriette, a Japanese indie brand), gloves vintage, anything else is probably offbrand

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