




To be unapologetically pro-life is one thing, but to make flippant posts about rubbing the potential overturning of Roe in people’s faces isn’t being pro-life. It’s being prideful.

People who aren’t pro-life haverealconcerns about this happening that are relevant and valid, and this is a great time to engage in friendly dialogue about how to support women facing unplanned pregnancies and provide nonviolent solutions to those issues - not to “own” pro-choice people in debates.

We are one human family, one broken human family. Act like it.

Yes, we should be gracious and wise with our words, but I have two qualms with this post:

  1. “Valid” is a very strong word here. None of the concerns I have seen raised by the pro-abortion side are valid, morally or factually.
  2. The world is not my family. The world are my neighbors, and I was once like them, but my family now is the church.

“Valid” is accurate because I’m referring to concerns, not rhetoric. The concerns I’m referring to are “how are women supposed to navigate this new landscape” and “are women going to be locked up now” and “what support will be available for women facing unplanned pregnancies.” Those are all valid questions and with healthy dialogue we can address them to clarify misconceptions of what a pro-life would would actually look like

Everyone is a child of God, baptized or not, beliefs of not. To begin to separate ourselves from pro-choice people as if they are a different species (when many just have never believed a kind pro-life person existed who can explain their beliefs) is to begin down the road of disbelief in conversion and doubting the power of Christ.

They are valid questions, sure, but they are not valid concerns, and it’s not just a matter of semantics. Pro-lifers should be willing to answer any honest questions people may have. But we should not be validating concerns that are not based in fact.

“Women will have no means of navigating this new landscape,” is not a valid concern. There are plenty of organizations and resources at their fingertips.

“Women are going to be locked up now,” is not a valid concern as there are no laws or trigger laws currently on the books which jail women for obtaining abortions (though goals and beliefs on this matter vary among pro-lifers, and I would argue that even if it were a factually valid concern, it would not be a morally valid concern, as women who order hits on their children should surely be subject to legal consequences).

“No support will be available for women with unplanned pregnancies,” is obviously not a valid concern, provided the pro-life movement keeps up the momentum it has maintained for the past several years in serving vulnerable communities.

They are valid questions if asked honestly, but the concern felt over them is unfounded and therefore invalid.

It is evident that we are going to disagree on theology, so I will not press the matter. My point is, we are all made in the image of God, but a pro-choice Christian is far more family to me than a pro-life unbeliever is. I have certain obligations towards the Christian that I do not have toward the unbeliever.

michael knowles is not the good ol boy America deserves, but he’s the good ol boy America needs right now



people hate when you compare abortion under Roe to the Holocaust, not because they think it’s insensitive, but because you’re showing them the truest image of what is actually happening on American soil. and it’s horrific. it’s a waking nightmare. it’s unthinkable, so they don’t think about it.

i feel like there’s a connection between op being an aot fan and making disrespectful and inaccurate holocaust comparisons

makes sense that tumblr user cisphobica would never have actually watched the anime they’re referencing; a story which denounces ultranationalism and affirms the equal value of all human lives.

which is a shame, because if they had watched it, they might have learned to detect the blatant parallels between their own ideology and that which drove the atrocities of the Nazis


Of banned books and “banned” books

A bookstore shelf topped by the misinformation sign "Banned Books".ALT

If you went into a bookstore and saw the books being openly sold, that’s strong evidence that they’re not banned.(Source for illustration.) This bookshelf is a performative contradiction. You should be ashamed of taking it at face value, instead.

I spent half an hour searching and trying to chase down exactly where The Lord of the Rings was supposedly “banned”, because it looked like a particularly implausible entry. Digging into citations and chasing claims, I found a game of telephone and a gradient of weasel words. An initial bombastic reference to “Banned Books” would link to a list of “Banned and Challenged Books” where the subheader negotiates down to “attempts to remove books from schools, libraries and universities” and eventually bottomed out in the American Library Association posting this fucking shit:

The Lord of the Rings: Burned in Alamagordo, NM (2001) outside Christ Community Church along with other Tolkien novels as satanic.ALT

That is not a ban. That is not even vaguely resembling a ban. That’s closer to a Florida Man headline. New Mexico Man Burns Bookshelf. Also they spelled it wrong, which underlines how much of a middle-of-nowhere, who-gives-a-fuck town this is.

Map of Alamogordo in New MexicoALT

It is not the only bullshit entry. In the case of Maus, the supposed “ban” amounts to the fact that the McMinn County Board of Education voted to remove it from the eighth-grade curriculum. This is slightly less retarded because it at least features an official organization, but curricula don’t have infinite space and it’s still deceitful to use the word “ban” to describe a local curriculum change. The book remains legal to buy, sell, own and read.

I have read the meeting notes of the Board where the motion passed, and they were explicit that they will still be teaching the topic of the Holocaust, but looking for a different book to use. This did not stop circlejerking j*rnalists from crying about Holocaust denial and book bannings, fabricating a Streisand Effect from a non-ban until Maus became a national bestseller. Unlike being banned, being “banned” is very profitable!

When you hear “Banned books”, it may be useful to ask “Banned where?” (By whom? When?)

Reductio ad absurdum: I hereby ban all books from my bathroom. It’s for your own good, to prevent water damage. Every book is now “banned” for a sufficiently low value of “banned”.


“If the social justice movement went by its actual name, young Christians would not have been lured into it. Because the social justice movement is actually CULTURAL MARXISM. There’s no such thing as social justice, people. In fact, in the Bible, justice never has an adjective. There is justice and there is injustice, but there’s not different kinds of justice.”

Voddie Baucham




as a leftist tumblr my most upsetting encounters here have been with tankies/stalinists who have down right denied the mass murder of many ethnic minorities during the great purges. don’t cry about “usa propaganda” to us when the censorship in our countries was done by the soviet union. the fucking nerve of these people who have never lived in ex-russian or ex-soviet countries. do you have any idea how much research it has taken to even find these mass graves or do the actual identification of the victims? it’s still on-going progress and there are still many whose families haven’t gotten the closure.

“it’s so funny when people have intergenerational trauma bc of genocides and war, let me demostrate how many eastern europeans I have met in my life (0) as an american stalinist. I know how it treally is, I was there when the great purges happened, unlike your dead family members.”


Just remember that every time you blame the “mass shooting problem” on “mental illness,” you are gift wrapping a beautiful weapon for the left called “red flag laws.”

They already believe everyone on the right is insane. You are basically asking for them to confiscate your rights.


And frankly even aside from that, mental illness isn’t what we should be focusing on when it comes to stopping massacres. That’s great if you want to reduce their numbers but there will always be psychotic homicidal people in the world.

The cause that we can eradicate? Gun free zones and unarmed citizens.
