

I’m not even kidding… we’ve been getting phone calls since February from customers who live across the country saying, “I’ve shopped at your store for years. When are you having that big Big BIG sale that you have every year? I want to schedule some time off so I can come shop. What’s the first day of your sale? When does your store open?” The sale isn’t until mid-summer…

There’s usually a tent in our parking lot with a ton of super discounted merchandise normally sold in our employee store. People go crazy on that first day. It’s like the Black Friday of luxury bedding sales. I’ve had customers complain to me about how there aren’t enough employees on staff for the weekend to serve all the customers in their needy fashions. My general response is, “Ma’am, our store only employs ten associates. We’re all working today.” Please excuse the fact that we can’t wait on you hand and foot for several hours because we’re limited staff and must serve you and the other several hundred customers who will pass through our doors today… and tomorrow… and the next day.

We also only have three registers, so it’s always super fun to explain to demanding customers that yes, they too have to wait in line to have their purchases rung up. Had one woman straight up say, “But I have more stuff than some of these other people. I should get to go before them!”

“You’ll have to wait your turn. It’s only fair.”
