#revenge movie



Promising Young Woman a.k.a The System Works Propaganda

This is what a cops daughter qualifies as a revenge movie.

Spoiler Alert. Trigger Warning.

No men die in the runtime of this movie… they do however, get scared. Because fear of a woman is what’s gonna stop a guy from being a rapist *heavy sarcasm*. All the men fake-drunk Cassie goes home with basically end the encounter with, “Okay, whatever, it didn’t work on you, but there will be others”.

The driving force of the main “revenge” is not to kill the men who raped or watched her friend, but to send them to prison. What thee fuck! This merry band of well-off assholes are going to hire really good lawyers (even a below average lawyer could plead down rape charges) who get them off with little to no jail time or only probation. Maybe one or two of them does actual meaningful prison time.

Her friend was assaulted by a gang of college guys; all whom managed to make something of their lives (career & family). A judge could see that and say “Well, it was so long ago, they’ve turned their lives around. I can’t punish these MEN for the mistakes they made as young BOYS. Besides she shouldn’t have put herself in that situation”. Meanwhile the victim is dead because she couldn’t get past what they did to and took from her.

They really marketed this as a revenge movie. Cassie doesn’t even take their money, just scares them. In the end Cassie gets murdered, on purpose. I guess that’s the moral of the story; even when women win, we lose.

I don’t recommend anyone watch this. Especially survivors.

I know the director/writer made it from the point of view that revenge is destructive. I understand that, but don’t market it as a tried and true revenge thriller. Its false advertising. Every trailer promised the “best revenge film of the year” & “look out men” and this movie was none of that. This movie is for men. Men will walk away saying “Yeah, of course they got caught, they were rapists. I’m still a good guy. I’m like Bo Burnham’s character, who got railroaded by that jealous bitch Cassie.”

I hated this movie. The world sucks enough, this movie is not helping to alleviate anything.

I’ve been thinking more about this.


Cassie Kidnaps them at them. Al kills his and friends kidnapper. Cassie showed up to their bachelor party under false pretenses, drugged them and handcuffed one to the bed. When asked to be let go she refuses, aka kidnapping. I know you’re thinking okay so they still murdered her. So what he killed her and they buried her body. Okay and any bad lawyer can spin. The men wouldn’t even have to break into the life savings to get a lawyer who could spin the story like I just did. I didn’t even spin it, it’s the truth. Sure they tampered with a crime scene and buried a body, BUT they were scared it was supposed to be a fun night of hanging out with the guys before Al gets hitched to the old ball and chain and here comes Cassie. A woman that never got her life together coming to destroy theirs because she was jealous. She never got over the death of their friend who had one bad night and couldn’t get over it. So she killed herself et cetera, et cetera, etc cetera. The jury or more likely a judge, because they’d definitely go with a bench trial, would return with a not guilty verdict for the murder of Cassie. Or say they find them guilty the judge would here character statements from their families and friends and again their lawyer would mention that she kidnapped these career and family men and give them light sentences.

And you know why this would happen? Because Cassie is dead. She can’t get on the stand and tell her story or her friends story. Because her plan was to get murdered!?!?! Make that make sense Emerald.

The fact that this movie was written by a cops daughter makes so much more sense. Of course she sees the cops as a helpful resource because to her they are. If this happened to her she’d go into the police station and mention that her father’s a cop and the cops would say, we’ll get whoever did this, from one cop to another, we look out our own.“, and they’d arrest the guy within the hour and he’d go to prison.
