
drnucleus: Bedroom Hymns - Masterpost Author: drnucleusRating: EGenre: Modern AU, Romance, Mild Angs


Bedroom Hymns - Masterpost

Genre:Modern AU, Romance, Mild Angst, Semi-slow burn
Pairing:Ben Solo | Rey, Minor character pairings
Warnings:Healthy BDSM, D/s relationship, Male submissive, FemDomme
Summary:For much of his life, hotshot architect, Ben Solo, lived a life full of privilege and entitlement. Son of a Senator and Admiral, the world was his oyster. He slid easily into the alpha male persona that was expected of him. Yet, running his own architecture firm by his late twenties he’d never expected to be saddled with the control behind every single decision. And underneath that façade lay a man, yearning to lay it all down at the foot of a powerful woman. What happens when he uncovers that side of himself and that leads him right to Rey Erso; a psychologist and domme who decides to help him navigate the world of dominance and submission in the local scene. That is until they find they’re more compatible with one another than either of them previously thought.

Story Aesthetic|Story Playlist Master Post |Story Spotify Playlist |Story Misc. Post (Paperwork) | Story Research Master Post | Hymnals & Other Selfish Prayers

I. Prelude | II. Awakening | III. Painted Faces on Parade | IV. Paperwork | V. Defying Expectations | VI. Connection | VII. Burning Desire | VIII. Fight or Flight | IX. Elastic Heart | X. Ache | XI. Pursuit | XII. Off to the Races | XIII. What Kind of Man | XIV. Collar Stays On |XV. Courtship |XVI. Walk the Line |XVII. Lights On |XVIII. In Time |XIX. Body Electric |XX. Say Something Loving | XXI. Head Over Feet |XXII. Reign of Love |XXIII. Rockets’ Red Glare

Chapter XXIII Now on AO3

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