
#Repost @rezpectourwater with @repostapp ・・・ #Repost @ntvsclothing with @repostapp ・・・ We stand with

#Repost @rezpectourwater with @repostapp
#Repost @ntvsclothing with @repostapp
We stand with The Standing Rock Rez in their effort to fight against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. #rezpectourwater #nodakotaaccess sign the petition www.rezpectourwater.com

Not makeup related but something that I feel needs to be shared. Please take 10 secs to sign the petition (link in bio) to stop the building of this pipeline on Native American sacred lands #waterrightsarehumanrights #stopthepipeline #keepitintheground

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I love food and family as much as anyone but to celebrate these holidays without examining their sor

I love food and family as much as anyone but to celebrate these holidays without examining their sordid histories or their ramifications in modern society does us all a disservice. During 4th of July weekend this year dozens of black lives were lost to police violence. This is the norm. And every year we make these beautiful spreads and talk about what we’re thankful for without acknowledging the indigenous genocide that took place on this stolen land centuries ago. As we speak the Sioux nation in North Dakota is fighting for a very simple human right- water. We must acknowledge these struggles and examine the role we play in perpetuating them by choosing comfort and complacency over humanity. We must stand for others the way we desire others to stand for us- not because there are similarities between African, Caribbean, Latino and indigenous struggles, but first and foremost because it’s the right thing to do. Personally it really bothers me when someone only supports the movement for black lives because they have a significant other or adopted child who happens to black. Right is right no matter who you are. The same rules apply when we talk about supporting our indigenous brothers and sisters. Enjoy your family and your food today but PLEASE also take the time to acknowledge the indigenous who continue to fight for their right to life, land and water. We must all stand with standing rock. #NoDAPL #WaterIsLife #IStandWithStandingRock #RezpectOurWater #NationalDayOfMourning #IndigenousLivesMatter #IndigenousLandsMatter #IndigenousLegaciesMatter

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People Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violatiPeople Over Pipelines.Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violati

People Over Pipelines.
Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline, also known as the the Bakken. It is a violation of the 1851 and 1868 treaties. It threatens our way of life and is another form of oppression.

Want to get involved, but not able to join the protest? Tell President Obama; Call the White House at (202)456-1111 and politely ask for them to rescind the permit for the Army Corps of Engineers Dakota Access Pipeline. If the line is busy, that is good! It means it’s working. We can do this!

We got this! #NoDAPL #peopleoverpipelines #rezpectourwater #standingrock #istandwithstandingrock #nobakken 

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#Repost @officialtaboo・・・ #nodapl #nativepride #weareunited #humanity #WHEREStheLOVE #REZpect #nat

#Repost @officialtaboo
#nodapl #nativepride #weareunited #humanity #WHEREStheLOVE #REZpect #nativeamericans #standingwithstandingrock

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Protesting today in Hollywood Beth yellowtail , Shailene Woodley and I

Protesting today in Hollywood Beth yellowtail , Shailene Woodley and I

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