
jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 7: Free day / CrossoverDays 4,5 and 6 will be up later


For the @rosegardenweek

Day 7: Free day / Crossover

Days 4,5 and 6 will be up later on a slightly bigger comic so wait for it :)

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jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 3: Red Thread of Fate / “Want to ditch this party”I’m jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 3: Red Thread of Fate / “Want to ditch this party”I’m jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 3: Red Thread of Fate / “Want to ditch this party”I’m jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 3: Red Thread of Fate / “Want to ditch this party”I’m


For the @rosegardenweek

Day 3: Red Thread of Fate“Want to ditch this party”

I’m not really confident with silent comics because I usually don’t know if people get what I wanna say but well I try hehe, a little late because it was supposed to be 3 pages like the rest -v-)u

Not sure if I’ll do day 4 because I don’t have idea what to do… maybe I’ll skip to day 5 hehe

Drawing the V4 outfits was so fun to do… except the belt boots but I was able to dodge that bullet heh

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jealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 2: Meeting the Family / “Please don’t leave. Please stjealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 2: Meeting the Family / “Please don’t leave. Please stjealouscartoonist: For the @rosegardenweekDay 2: Meeting the Family / “Please don’t leave. Please st


For the @rosegardenweek

Day 2: Meeting the Family / “Please don’t leave. Please stay”

I already have that longass comic with ruby meeting Oscar’s Aunt so is Tai time Ft. Qrow who is also family.

Yang was on the sketch too but didn’t make it on the cleaning haha, I had several ideas for this one because I think Tai will be cool with Oscar but still be quite random but to keep it short I went with the Qrow version and the revenge of the skirt.

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That’s a wrap!

Huge thank you to everyone that made work for this years first RG week. We loved seeing everything you came up with!!

While we’ll be keeping an eye on the tags for the next little bit to catch any late entries, please let us know if you made something for the event and we didn’t end up reblogging it. Sometimes things don’t show up in tumblr’s tags and we want to make sure we didn’t miss anything!!

Also, please stay tuned as we’re going to have a feedback survey coming through soon to see how we can make the next RG week even better!

Thank you all again, and we’ll see you soon!


It’s Rosegarden Week, and I’m not much of a artist or writer (to all the RG fic writers and fanartists out there I am blowing each of you a little kiss, thank you) so I’m just gonna gush about this ship instead:

Do you ever think about Rosegarden and it’s potential to work within the overall story and Ruby’s character arc? Because it’s just. Ruby’s just this incredibly kind and selfless heroic individual, almost to her own detriment in prioritising everyone else’s emotions and wellbeing over her own. Her making sure everyone gets their happy ending is Ruby’s happy ending. Essentially defining her sense of self in how much she can give or do for others. Not ever asking or wanting anything for herself.

Which is very admirable:

Blake: (laughing a little) And why is that? Hoping you’ll live happily ever after?

Ruby: Well, I’m hoping we all will. As a girl, I wanted to be just like those heroes in the books… Someone who fought for what was right, and protected people who couldn’t protect themselves!

Blake: That’s… very ambitious for a child. (her smile turns into a frown) Unfortunately, the real world isn’t the same as a fairy tale.

Ruby: Well, that’s why we’re here! To make it better. (1x03)

Yang: I’m not like Ruby, she’s always wanted to be a Huntress. It’s like she said, ever since she was a kid, she’d dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day, and never asking for anything else in return.(2x10)

But at the same time, it’s important to have a life outside of that and to take time for yourself and your own wants and needs as well:

Ozpin:Well,you can’t spend your whole life on the battlefield, even if you may want to.

Ruby: (crossing her arms, looking annoyed) Yeah, that lesson’s been floating around a lot lately.

Ozpin: (staring out at the dancing couples) If you think about it, fighting and dancing aren’t so different. Two partners interlocked, although one wrong move on the ballroom merely leads to a swollen foot. (2x07)

It’s interesting how Ozpin compares fighting to dancing when looking out at the dancing couples in this scene, most of which foreshadow the romantic relationships in the show like Arkos/Renora/Blacksun/Bumbleby. And while Ruby does not dance with anyone in V2, the only person we have seen her “fighting” aka casually sparring one-on-one with in the main series, (like Pyrrha/Jaune used to) is Oscar.

Fighting with a partner=Dancing with a partner=Romantic Foreshadowing (…I just realised Emerald and Mercury technically do both in the series. Do with that what you will.)

And I feel like Ruby developing romantic feelings for Oscar could be a way for her to learn to be more selfish, in the sense of… wanting something for herself, and could be an interesting way to foil her to Salem, as the main heroine/villain of the story respectively.

Salem, who began the conflict of the story in confronting the Gods, learning to be more selfless and let Ozma (the first incarnation) go, in doing so allowing herself to grieve properly and coming to understand the importance of the balance of life and death, thus breaking her own curse of immortality and being able to unite with Ozma in the afterlife . Ruby, who will likely be the one to end the conflict and confront the Gods, who needs to learn to be more selfish, would have a more personal and selfish motive to do so. Not just to act as the selfless heroine and making sure everyone gets their happy ending (which she already is), but also a desire to have her own happy ending too. Wanting to be with Oscar (the last incarnation) and to restore him as his own person as such. (if Oscar ended up sacrificing himself to the merge by using magic or having fully merged over time).

In shorter terms, Ozma (and consequently all the past lives) is dead, and should be left to rest and pass on (by Salem), while Oscar is alive and should be allowed to live his own life (with Ruby). Death and Life. Life and Death. It works, thematically speaking.

Salem’s love of Ozma and refusal to accept his death because she wanted a life with him that leads to her confronting the Gods, which is the ignition spark for the entire conflict of the series in the present along with Salem and Oz’s curse of reincarnation/immortality And just…the idea of there being a future parallel with Ruby and Salem if she developed romantic feelings for Oscar, and refusal to lose him to the merge (because she’d want him to remain his own person) but that instead being the spark to resolve the stories’ central conflict, not just fighting against Salem and protecting the Kingdoms/Relics (which she’s already doing), but giving her a more personal, selfish reason to put an end to it for good. To eventually confront the Gods herself and have them let Oz and Salem rest, not just to save the world, but so Oscar is free to live as his own person so she can be with him, like how Salem wanted to be with Ozma.

It just feels very much like coming full circle, and that’s very satisfying to me. (even if I know most of the FNDM would get very upsetti spaghetti at the idea of Ruby falling in love with an icky gross boy being part of her arc)

mcmystery: Rosegarden Week Day 7: Free Day | Cross over AUIt’s finally come to an end for this rg we


Rosegarden Week Day 7: Free Day | Cross over AU

It’s finally come to an end for this rg week!
Ending it with a redraw from Netflix’s movie “Bubble”. Super happy with all the pieces I got to share with you all, thank you for all the love and support!

Till next rg week!!

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RG Week: Free day / Crossover

ahhhhhhh i really didn’t have as much time as i hoped for rg week. alas, have the last thing i managed to get ready for it on time! i’ve been watching spy x family as it’s been coming out and the forger family dynamic is so cute omg i love them

was debating on using an rg child oc for anya but after considering how ozpin canonically a) can read oscar’s mind and b) loves hot cocoa it seemed to fit a lil too well

my finals just ended so hopefully i’ll be able to finish some of the other pieces i started but didn’t get to this week


Rosegarden Week 2022

Day 7: Free day

Rosegarden week is over :( I’m so glad I was able to leave my comfort zone during this week

Here’s rg in matching onesies

jetstar64: Throughout most obstacles I faced during this week, I was able to post all 7 for RG week,


Throughout most obstacles I faced during this week, I was able to post all 7 for RG week, and in the theatrical fashion, I saved the best for last.

Here is Day 7: Free Day / Cross Over

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jetstar64: Decided to go for the simpler style for this one, and honestly, I love the results!Here i


Decided to go for the simpler style for this one, and honestly, I love the results!

Here is for Rosegarden Week Day 5: Enemies to Lovers / Sleep

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Rosegarden week 2022! Day 7


Yeah! Rosegarden and Huntlow! In the same picture because ye.


A grunt and grumble from Oscar’s desk told Ruby he was having trouble with his final book. The latest in a series of autobiographies starting from Ozma onward. Oscar insisted on telling their stories, even though the world believes them to be fiction. Well, they did until the book about the King of Vale got a few too many details correct. Any doubt was erased by the book about Ozpin.

“Something wrong?” She asked as she watched their daughter Maria giggle at their son Lyme taking baby steps.

Oscar turned to her “Yes, it’s this ending. I just can’t figure out how to end it.”

“Tell me what you have so far” Ruby said as she caught Lyme as he stumbled over his own feet.

Oscar cleared his throat and read from the screen “With a final blast of silver light the threat of Salem was ended forevermore” “Yada yada” “Humanity and faunus alike stand united looking towards a brighter tomorrow” “Yap yap yap” “Happily married to the very huntress who ended Salem with two healthy and beautiful children as of this writing” “And so on. I just can’t find the words to end it.”

“What’s wrong with “The End”?” Maria asked giggling at her papa’s frustration.

“Because it’s not over yet sweetie. And I don’t want to jinx it by saying something like “And they all lived happily ever after” Heck, part of me feels like I should say something like “I’ll let you know how it goes if I ever make another in this series”

The implication was not lost on Ruby “Don’t even joke about that, The God of Light’s mission was to unite humanity, we’ve done that.”

“I know” Oscar thought back on a memory from long ago.

“Why not say what Mama does when she hangs up on the annoying people!” Maria shouted as she tried to climb onto the couch.

“Oh? And what’s that?” Oscar couldn’t help but laugh. “That she’s done talking now” his daughter replied.

“Hmm… that’s not a bad idea.” He turned back to the screen and typed “This story is not yet over, but I am done writing it.” “And done!“

He smiled and hit save as he went to play with his children with Ruby

mcmystery: Rosegarden Week Day 5: Enemies BUT Lovers… | Sleep—Another combo piece! Dabbling in the V


Rosegarden Week Day 5: Enemies BUT Lovers… | Sleep

Another combo piece! Dabbling in the Vampire!AU, which could be open to interpretation of a Dracula or vampire hunter theme!

Either way wanted to go with a dreamy vibe for this piece!

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Here we go!

I got a job recently which kinda put a damper on my participation in RG week this time around. Stupid real life affecting my online presence

Anyway, here’s the fic I wrote for Day 6: Hand Holding! Better late than never, right?

jetstar64: Bit of a late one, but perfect for a late night dinnerHere is for Day 4: Date Night / “Yo


Bit of a late one, but perfect for a late night dinner

Here is for Day 4: Date Night / “You think I’m cute?”

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Rosegarden Week 2022

Day 6: Holding hands

I love drawing these two in casual outfits

Anyway what is ruby talking about that Oscar is obviously paying attention to and totally not daydreaming about her

jetstar64: Couldn’t exactly decide between these two, so I decided to do both!Here’s Day 6: Standing


Couldn’t exactly decide between these two, so I decided to do both!

Here’s Day 6: Standing In the Rain / Hand Holding

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Rosegarden week 2022! Day 6

Hiding from the Rain

The babies were in a date and started raining


They’re waiting for their ride :>

Day 6 - Hiding from the rain / Handholding
