
NEW SPECIES ALERT: MEET THE SPADENOSE GUITARFISHFrom the Gulf of California, and apparently only fou


From the Gulf of California, and apparently only found there, this new species of guitarfish, named Spadenose Guitarfish (Pseudobatos buthi) is based on the description of 82 specimens. This new species is dituinguished by having a smaller body than other local guitarfish, an uniform coloration, as well a longer snout, and is found in shallow waters. The spaddlefish went unnoticed until today, probably was misidentified with the peckled guitarfish (Pseudobatos glaucostigmus), a simmilar looking guitarfish inhabiting the same area.

-  Male Spadenose Guitarfish. Photo by Kelsi M. Rutledge.

Researcher Kelsi Rutledge, who described this new species, made an incredible photoshoot with her new species of guitarfish, to share its discovery using Twitter. According to her words, “no fishes were harmed in the making of this photoshoot! This is a preserved museum specimen that I took to the beach. It was not alive”. The same fish it was deposited in  Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

- Kelsi and the spadenose Guitarfish. Photo by Kelsi M. Rutledge

  • Photo:Kelsi Rutledge
  • Reference:  Rutledge, 2019.  A New Guitarfish of the Genus Pseudobatos(Batoidea: Rhinobatidae) with Key to the Guitarfishes of the Gulf of California. Copeia.

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